Request for Prayer

If you would like to request our prayer support for personal life issues or prayer for those you love, please fill out our intake form. Please let us know if you would like to have your request forwarded onto the Arise Prayer Vine for wide email distribution. If your request is of personal nature and for someone other than yourself, the Prayer Vine will request you to verify their permission or acknowledgement, prior to forwarding.

ARISE Tuesday Worship, Prayer & Communion

6:30pm – 7:30pm Tuesday: ARISE would like to invite you to the ever-increasing need for heartfelt worship, un-relenting prayer and the power of communion every Tuesday evening. Gathering with ARISE Pastors & leaders as we invite Gods’ favor by seeking Him, His Word and His ways as we intercede for His Church, our Communities & the Nations. Arrive early and/or linger afterwards in His Presence.

Location: ARISE Community Room

Healing Prayer Ministry

This ministry provides private prayer sessions that will help bring freedom and healing of physical illness, past hurts and current life difficulties. We believe that God is merciful, He loves us and He wants to heal us in all areas of our lives. In this way, we become a "whole" person in His kingdom and grow into His likeness. We minister in confidential teams of several mature, compassionate and trained intercessors. In addition, since we are a church where small groups form the basis of healthy relationships and healing, we support and provide assistance to them and are not a replacement for them. We will help provide information on their various meeting times and locations in our community. At the end of the Healing Prayer sessions we will evaluate the need for additional prayer sessions, recommend additional pastoral/professional counseling or follow-up help with a small group leader.

Prayer Vine Ministry

This e-mail prayer ministry receives ARISE prayer or fasting requests, church plant updates and Prayer Alerts from our communities and around the globe. Over 100 intercessors subscribe to this vital prayer ministry that advances the kingdom of God into the increasing felt needs in our region and around the world. You may sign up to receive these prayer requests by sending an email to [email protected]  with "Subscribe" in the Subject line.

ARISE Sunday Prayer Watch

9:15am – 9:45am Sunday: This is a time to pray for Gods’ direction and vision for our church, communities, and nations. In addition, we pray for our pastors, ministry leaders and volunteers as they prepare to minister at our Sunday services and throughout the week. We call this prayer support for our ARISE ministries: The Prayer Watch!

Location: Prayer Room behind the Sanctuary Stage: 9:15am Every Sunday.

Sunday Service Prayer Teams

These trained ARISE Prayer Teams minister to the heart felt prayer needs after each Sunday service. If you are interested in finding out more about the training and selection for team membership, please feel free to e-mail us at [email protected]

ARISE prayer ministry:

ARISE offers prayer ministry training and extensive teaching in several aspects of prayer to equip our members to be effective in this vital area of church life. Several of the Prayer Ministry Training class topics include:

  • Prayer: Intimacy with God

    Only In an Intimate Relationship with God Can We Hear His Voice, Know His Will, and Understand His Heart

    by John Wimber

    If most Christians could listen to recordings of their prayers over a week’s time, we would discover we pray the same things, using the same words and sentence structures, over and over again. But, I suspect, what would disturb us most is the cold, mechanical, removed feeling of the prayers. We would become more aware something we already know but can hardly acknowledge our relationship with God is distant and impersonal— and because of this we are unhappy and unfulfilled.

    Now think of the quality of Jesus’ prayer life. Picture in your mind the freedom and openness He always experienced with His heavenly Father.
    He spoke to His Father in terms of endearment, referring to him as “Daddy.”

    Jesus took every problem, every concern, every decision to Him moment by moment. And he did it with ease and joy. It was an intimate relationship, an openness in which he freely shared His most essential, private, and personal thoughts and emotions.
    The quality of relationship with His Father also was a key to answered prayer. By knowing His Father’s will, he knew how, what, and whom to pray for. “The world must learn that I love the Father,” Jesus said, “and that I do exactly what my Father has commanded me” (John 14:31). How did the world know Jesus loved the Father? Because he did what the Father told him to do, and he was able to do that because he had an intimate relationship with him.
    I believe Jesus’ prayer life is something that we should aspire to, that intimacy with God in prayer is a primary goal of the Christian life.


    Why is our goal intimacy with God? It is because only there do we experience forgiveness, renewal, and power for righteous living. Only in an intimate relationship with God can we hear His voice, know His will, and understand His heart.
    Some of us, though, think of intimacy as merely a warm emotion— something akin to spiritual goose bumps. But this isn’t what I mean by intimacy with God. By intimacy I mean four things:
    First, intimacy is self-disclosure. This is our ability to talk with God about who we really are, to say what we need and want, all the time knowing that he hears us and cares about these things. This touches on the formation of such character traits as honesty, integrity, and confidence.
    Second, intimacy is being known by God. God doesn’t need our cooperation to know everything about us (Matt. 10:30). But for him to work in us and through us, we must cooperate with him, joyfully receiving His fatherly love.
    Third, intimacy is continual obedience to God. This means knowing God in the deepest part of our beings, hearing His voice, experiencing His grace and compassion, holiness and power, and then doing what he says to do. There is nothing fancy or mysterious about obedience. The rewards are great: a greater knowledge of God’s holiness and a clear conscience.


    Fourth, intimacy is knowing God. By knowing God I mean having relationship with him and knowing about him. The latter point contains a Catch 22, because a proper understanding of God’s nature is both a goal and prerequisite of intimacy. In other words, what we believe about God determines how we pray, and the quality of our prayer life powerfully affects what we believe about God!

    A defective understanding of our heavenly Father’s nature (usually a result of some failure in our earthly father) is one of the greatest obstacles to an intimate prayer life. Do you think of God as quite distant from creation, disinterested in ordinary people’s daily struggles? If so, your prayer life is probably an infrequent exercise in paying homage to the Creator, but in no way is it a life-changing relationship. Do you think of God as an angry old man, depriving you of life’s pleasures and joys? If so, your prayer life likely is a loathsome event, full of fear and anger.
    God has provided means for overcoming our misconceptions about His nature: Scripture. In the Bible God reveals His nature to us, but most of us require healing in some area of our lives so we can receive the truth of Scripture. Hurtful memories of our earthly fathers may hold us back from receiving our heavenly Father. Prayer for overcoming the effects of past hurts and immersion in God’s Word are the pathway to knowing God.


    Another obstacle to attaining intimacy with God in prayer is the dearth of mature prayer models, men and women who inspire and instruct us through prayer and deed.

    As a new Christian, I was discipled by a man who embodied what it meant to be intimate with God, But even he wasn’t perfect, and when he moved away after only two years, I was forced to look elsewhere for a model of intimacy. So to whom can we look? Christ is available to all, our great example of intimacy with the Father. He is the one that we ultimately look to and pattern our lives after.

    I began this article by contrasting our prayer life with Christ’s. In the remainder of the article, I will take a closer look at Christ’s relationship with His Father as found in what is commonly called the high priestly prayer of John 17.

    The Upper Room

    John 17 must be understood with its broader context, chapter 13 through 17, the longest account of Jesus’ last night with His disciples in the upper room. Jesus speaks to His disciples in an intimate, after-dinner exchange. He discloses to them some of the most beautiful truths in the Bible. One prominent feature of His discourse is His use of the word love. It is used only six times in chapters 1-12 of John’s Gospel but 31 times in chapters 13 to 17.

    Chapter 17 records Jesus’ conversation with His Father about himself, the apostles, and all believers. I am not as much interested here in what he prayed about as how he prayed, for His manner reveals much about His relationship with the Father.

    Verse one says, “He looked toward heaven and prayed.” Did you know that the customary attitude of prayer for Jesus was to open His eyes and raise His head? His position of prayer was different from the practice of most Western Christians. Now, I believe there is nothing wrong in lowering our heads and closing our eyes (it communicates reverence toward God and helps us keep our concentration on God), but Jesus looked up and opened His eyes because His relationship with the Father was open, free, uninhibited.

    He begins His prayer with the simple “Father,” the common address of a child to its parent. Jesus was using language common to everyday family life and transferring it to God. It reveals the close familiarity between Jesus and His Father.

    Reinforce truth

    Jesus then goes on in verses two to five to pray for himself; within hours he would face the cross. But the tone of His prayer impresses me—informal, free, heartfelt. These were the prayers of a friend of God. In reading many of Jesus’ prayers, I get the feeling that he is interrupting a private, unspoken conversation in order to speak aloud so the disciples can learn how to pray. In other words, His spoken words appear to be the overflow of a continuing dialogue with His Father.

    In saying, “Glorify Your Son, that Your Son may glorify you,” Jesus revealed His one motivation in life was to glorify His Father. This meant that all His prayers were steeped with an attitude of obedience and sacrifice, a desire to submit His life to whatever His Father wanted. It is almost as though he is reviewing a fundamental principle of the Christian life: You glorify me, I glorify you. We too should never hesitate to repeat the fundamental promises of Scripture to God in prayer; in doing so we reinforce His truth in us and faith grows. We need to regularly review our commitments, and what better place is there to do that than with God?

    In verses 6 to 19 he prays for the disciples. His continues to focus on fulfilling God’s purpose: to redeem and raise up a people who know the Father. When we experience intimacy with our heavenly Father our hearts will naturally turn toward intercession. Why? Because we will take on His heart, His burden for men and women.

    Jesus and the early Christians rarely prayed for the world. Instead, they prayed that the church would be bold in proclaiming the gospel to the unsaved! You don’t have to tell God your friends aren’t saved. He already knows. You need to tell them about Christ, and ask God for the boldness to speak the gospel in love.


    In verses 20 to 26 he prays for all believers “that all...may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you” (v. 21). This is the punch line of the high priestly prayer: we can have the same type of relationship with the Father that Jesus has.
    I grew up as an only child with both parents who worked. From the ages of five to eighteen I devoted my life almost entirely to music, sitting alone for hours practicing different musical instruments. I didn’t develop very many social skills with a horn in my mouth. If it hadn’t been for my wife, I don’t know if I would have ever learned how to have deep, intimate friendships. I have found it difficult to know God as my “Daddy,” but as I grow in the knowledge of His nature and take risks with him, I’m learning he loves me and accepts me the way I am. I can enter into the same quality of relationship as Jesus has with the Father.

    When we experience the intimacy of the Father and the Son, it will affect our relationship brothers and sisters in such a way that many pagans will believe that Jesus was sent by the Father to redeem the world (v. 23). Christian unity, rooted in an intimate relationship with our heavenly Father, is the most powerful testimony of Christ’s lordship in the world today.

  • Introduction to Prayer and Intercession: Class Notes

    The Necessity of Prayer

    I. God Works Through Prayers

    A. Elijah Prays for Rain

    “And it came to pass after many days that the word of the Lord came to Elijah, in the third year, saying, “Go, present yourself to Ahab and I will send rain on the earth” 1 Kings 18:1

    1. Drought started 3 years earlier. Elijah now goes to Ahab and prays 7 times and had the servant look for a cloud. Finally, the rain started.

    2. Whose idea was it to send rain? Whose will and timing? God’s, not Elijah’s.

    3. Why then did it take human prayers to “birth” the rain? Perseverance. 7 Times.

      Elijah was a man with a nature like ours, and he prayed earnestly that it would not rain; and it did not rain on the land for three years and six months. And he prayed again, and the earth produced its fruit.” James 5:17-18

    4. Elijah needed to pray because;
      “God has chosen to work through people.”

      1. Even when it is the Lord Himself who initiates something.

      2. He still needs us to ask;

        “God’s giving is inseparably connected with our asking... Only by intercession can that power be brought down from heaven which will enable the Church to conquer the world” Andrew Murray

    5. Cumulative Prayer- More than just petition the Father

      1. Some situations the power is released by perseverance.

      2. “A lack of endurance is one of the greatest causes of defeat, especially in prayer”

        Dutch Sheets

      3. Sustained intercession: e.g. The widow needed justice, wearied the unjust

        judge. She was avenged speedily...

      “And shall God not avenge his own elect who cry out day and night to Him, though He bears long with them?Luke 18:7

    B. Daniel: A Man of Prayer

    1. Prayer Restored Israel from Captivity

      1. Jeremiah prophesied the captivity to end after 70 years

      2. Daniel discovered it was time to end and knew in his spirit that his involvement

        was necessary.

      3. Most others would tend to wait passively for the prophecy fulfillment.

    2. Daniel knew his role;

      “So I gave my attention to the Lord God to seek Him by prayer and supplications, with fasting, sackcloth and ashes.” Daniel 9:3

      1. The angel Gabriel was dispatched and it took 21 days to penetrate the warfare in the heavens to deliver the message to Daniel that,

        “Your words were heard, and I have come in response to your words”

        Daniel 10:12

      2. “Daniel evidently realized that intercession had a part to play in bringing the prophecy to pass. God had made the prophecy. When it was time for its fulfillment He did not fulfill it arbitrarily outside of His program of prayer. He sought for a man upon whose heart He could lay a burden of intercession...As always, God made the decision in heaven. A man was called upon to enforce that decision on earth through intercession and faith” Paul E. Billheimer

    3. Personal prophetic words: If a word is given that indicates a person will be for healed example, the tendency for us is to assume that since the word was spoken, the person will be okay. We may tend to relax and not follow-up in prayer.

    a. Conditional prophetic words:
    “The instant I speak concerning a nation and concerning a kingdom, to build and to plant it, “if it does evil in My sight so that it does not obey My voice, then I will relent concerning the good with which I said I would benefit it” Jer 18:7-10.

    1. E.g. “Then God saw their works; that they turned from their evil way and God relented from the disaster that He had said He would bring upon them, and He did not do it.” Jonah 3:10

    2. E.g. Hezekiah, “Thus says the Lord; “Set your house in order, for you shall die and not live.” “Then Hezekiah turned his face to the wall and prayed to the Lord, I pray, how I have walked before You in truth and with a loyal heart, and have done what is good in Your sight.” And Hezekiah wept bitterly. “Thus says the Lord...I have heard you prayer, I have seen you tears; surely I will add to your days fifteen years” Isa 38:1-5

    3. Additional Ref: 1 Sam 7:19, 2:30, 2 Kings 20:1

    4. “There is a vast difference between the promises of God and His eternal

      decrees; many of the former are conditional whereas the latter are immutable depending on nothing for their fulfillment save the omnipotence of God...” A. W. Pink


    1. God Needs Our Prayers: A Partnership with His Heart

      1. Agreeing With His Purposes

        1. Prayer is powerful because God is powerful.

        2. Prayer is not convincing God to act; it is hearing from God in how He wants to move and then praying his thoughts. He then can release His answer.

      2. “I searched for a man among them who should build up the wall and stand in the gap before Me for the land, that I should not destroy it; but I found no one...” Ezek. 22:30, 31.

        My love wanted forgiveness, had I been able to find a person to ask Me to show mercy, I would have...but I found no one and had to destroy them.

      3. God Has Limited Himself So as To Involve Us Together With Him.

      4. “We must understand that our sovereign God has for His own reasons designed this world that much of what is truly His will He makes contingent on the attitudes and actions of human beings. He allows humans to make decisions that can influence history...Human inaction does not nullify the atonement, but human inaction can make the atonement ineffective for lost people.” Peter Wagner

      5. The Responsibility To Pray Can Be Both A Privilege And Enjoyable.

      6. “Prayer is essentially a partnership of the redeemed child of God working hand in hand

        with God toward the realization of His redemptive purposes on earth.” Jack Hayford

    2. Defining Intercession

    A. Webster; Intercede means “to go or pass between; to act between parties with a view to reconcile those who differ or contend; to interpose; to mediate or make intercession; mediation.”

    1. Hebrew – paga, means “to meet”.

    2. Intercession is not primarily a prayer we pray, but something a we do that can be done through prayer...that is to meet with Him.

    B. Representation- Adam was suppose to represent God. Christ now represents us, i.e. intercedes for us before the Father. His act of intercession was not so much a “prayer” but a work of mediation He did for us. He is interceding for us.

    C. He Allows Us To Use His Name To Gain Access To The Throne;

    “For there is one God, and one mediator also between God and men, the man Christ Jesus” 1 Tim 2:5

    1. Our prayers of intercession are always and only an extension of His work of intercession.

    2. We are asking based entirely on what He did.

    Webster; Intercede means “to go or pass between; to act between parties with a view to reconcile those who differ or contend; to interpose; to mediate or make intercession; mediation.”

    1. Hebrew – paga, means “to meet”.

    2. Intercession is not primarily a prayer we pray, but something a we do that can be done through prayer...that is to meet with Him.

    Representation- Adam was suppose to represent God. Christ now represents us, i.e. intercedes for us before the Father. His act of intercession was not so much a “prayer” but a work of mediation He did for us. He is interceding for us.

    He Allows Us To Use His Name To Gain Access To The Throne;

    “For there is one God, and one mediator also between God and men, the man Christ Jesus” 1 Tim 2:5

    1. Our prayers of intercession are always and only an extension of His work of intercession.

    2. We are asking based entirely on what He did.


    1. Distributors For What We Hear God Saying

      1. We don’t produce anything since He has already done that

        1. Reconciliation, deliverance, victory, etc.

        2. Healing and various gifts.

      2. Our calling and function is to release Him

      3. Our prayers release Christ’s finished work of intercession.

    2. Intercessory Prayer Is An Extension Of The Ministry Of Jesus: Through His Body, the Church, whereby we mediate between God and humanity for the purpose of enforcing the victory of Calvary.

      1. Jesus needs a Bride on earth to present to the Father

      2. “As the Father has sent Me, I also send you” John 20:21

    IV. The Cross

    1. Reconciliation Or Breaking

      1. Uniting justice, peace, truth and mercy

      2. Or Breaking, severing, a disuniting because of the fall

      “Loving kindness and truth have met together; righteousness and peace have kissed each other.” Ps 85:10

    2. Ministry Of Reconciliation

      1. We bring people to God in prayer asking the Father to meet with them.

      2. The intercessor is either going to meet with God to reconcile people to Him or he will at times meet Satanic opposition to enforce the victory of the cross.

      3. The prayers of an effectual intercessor will create a presence before the throne and when the meeting comes to a close, something will have changed. Guaranteed.

        Q & A Ministry Time

  • Introduction: Fervent and effective prayer that establishes God’s will on earth; is first about personally engaging with Him at the heart level. In addition:

    It is not enough to begin to pray...but we must patiently, believingly continue in prayer until we obtain an answer.” George Müller circa 1890’s (Ref. Luke 18: The Parable of the Persistent Widow)

    1. The Lord responds to His people because we seek to keep His commands and do the things that are pleasing to Him. Growing in maturity and grace (God’s grace gives us the desire and power to do His will); Conforming us into His image, “ transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.” Romans 12:1b

    2. “...And whatever we ask we receive from Him, because we keep His commandments and do those things that are pleasing in His sight.” 1 John 3:22

    3. Those who come to you for prayer; trust you have a sensitivity to hear from the Holy Spirit to help them navigate through their prayer concerns. Our increasing sensitivity is being nurtured and matured because of our own personal prayer history with the Father.

    4. What Jesus is looking for are people who will live in agreement with His heart. THREE PRACTICAL STEPS TO A SUSTAINING LIFE OF PRAYER

    Schedule a Prayer Time (Simply being intentional)

    1. a)  Scheduling daily prayer time leads to more consistency in our prayer lives.

    2. b)  If we aim for 100% and achieve only 75%-80%...we are still successful. No pressure.

    3. c)  We are increasingly drawn to prayer by desiring to feel His pleasure and more of His grace.

    Make a Prayer List (Simply a Tool to Help Stay Focused)


    Enjoying His Presence (Cultivating a Scriptural View of God’s Heart)

    1. a)  Our prayer lives will really grow when we come to a place of boldness, tenderness and

      confidence in God; knowing we are loved and enjoyed by Him even in our failures and

      moments of inconsistency.

    2. b)  As we sit before him, our hearts and prayers are being tenderized by feeling His enjoyment

      and affections for us.

    3. c)  Enjoyable prayer time spent in the presence of the Father listening to the Holy Spirit; prepares

      us to touch others at ARISE CC, with His love, kindness and power.

    4. d)  Understanding the Father loves us just as He loves Jesus: “...that the world may know that

    a) b)

    c) d)

    Build and update your personal list over the years. (Prayer journal / Topical List)

    Lists will jump-start your prayer dialog: Feel free to modify prayer direction and list as the Holy Spirit prompts. (Allow for flexibility and prophetic insight)

    The more we pray, the more our prayer list grows and changes over the seasons.
    Types of Lists: “Therefore I exhort first of all that you make supplications, prayers,

    intercessions, and thanksgivings for everyone, for kings and for all who are in authority,

    that we may lead a quiet and peaceful life in all godliness and honesty.” 1 Tim 2:1-2 1.) Personal Life: Heart issues & personal growth, family and relationships, m

    financial, circumstances, dreams, promptings, or words from the Lord, etc. 2.) Ministry & Global: Local church, leaders, ministries, events, missionaries, c

    countries, cities, media, education, governmental, injustice, revival, social crisis.

    1. (Simply a Tool to Help Stay Focused)

      Build and update your personal list over the years. (Prayer journal / Topical List)

      Lists will jump-start your prayer dialog: Feel free to modify prayer direction and list as the Holy Spirit prompts. (Allow for flexibility and prophetic insight)

      The more we pray, the more our prayer list grows and changes over the seasons.
      Types of Lists: “Therefore I exhort first of all that you make supplications, prayers,

      intercessions, and thanksgivings for everyone, for kings and for all who are in authority,

      that we may lead a quiet and peaceful life in all godliness and honesty.” 1 Tim 2:1-2 1.) Personal Life: Heart issues & personal growth, family and relationships, m

      financial, circumstances, dreams, promptings, or words from the Lord, etc. 2.) Ministry & Global: Local church, leaders, ministries, events, missionaries, c

      countries, cities, media, education, governmental, injustice, revival, social crisis.

      Enjoying His Presence (Cultivating a Scriptural View of God’s Heart)

      1. a)  Our prayer lives will really grow when we come to a place of boldness, tenderness and

        confidence in God; knowing we are loved and enjoyed by Him even in our failures and

        moments of inconsistency.

      2. b)  As we sit before him, our hearts and prayers are being tenderized by feeling His enjoyment and affections for us.

      3. c)  Enjoyable prayer time spent in the presence of the Father listening to the Holy Spirit; prepares

        us to touch others at ARISE CC, with His love, kindness and power.

      4. d)  Understanding the Father loves us just as He loves Jesus: “...that the world may know that You have sent Me, and have loved them as You have loved Me.” John 17:23b.

      Build and update your personal list over the years. (Prayer journal / Topical List)

      Lists will jump-start your prayer dialog: Feel free to modify prayer direction and list as the Holy Spirit prompts. (Allow for flexibility and prophetic insight)

      The more we pray, the more our prayer list grows and changes over the seasons.
      Types of Lists: “Therefore I exhort first of all that you make supplications, prayers,

      intercessions, and thanksgivings for everyone, for kings and for all who are in authority,

      that we may lead a quiet and peaceful life in all godliness and honesty.” 1 Tim 2:1-2 1.) Personal Life: Heart issues & personal growth, family and relationships, m

      financial, circumstances, dreams, promptings, or words from the Lord, etc. 2.) Ministry & Global: Local church, leaders, ministries, events, missionaries, c

      countries, cities, media, education, governmental, injustice, revival, social crisis.

    You have sent Me, and have loved them as You have loved Me.” John 17:23b.

  • Prayer Ministry Training Class Notes

    An OVERVIEW OF fasting

    The Spirit is preparing the hearts of those @ ARISE and His body worldwide for a great outpouring of His Spirit and revival. Regular fasting is part our preparation and includes moderating our natural God given pleasures and strengths to position ourselves to receive from the Holy Spirit.

    Jesus declared fasting would become a regular part of the normal Christian community. It is often thought of as an optional discipline. However, Jesus said, “When you fast…,” implying that we would engage in regular fasting during our lives. “When you fast…your Father who sees in secret will reward you openly. (Mt. 6:17-18)

    Jesus emphasized that the Father will reward fasting. This proclamation emphasizes the importance of fasting. Jesus has called us to fast because He knows that the current and eternal rewards far outweigh the difficulties and burdens. Many of the rewards are external, as our life circumstances are touched by God’s power. In addition, some of our rewards are internal, as our hearts and emotions encounter Him at a deeper level. We fast both to walk in more of God’s power to change the world, and to also encounter more of His heart of kindness to change our own heart.

    Because of His goodness, God gives us grace to fast. If we as ARISE community ask for grace to fast, we will receive it (2 Pet. 1:2; 3:18). Although some may be apprehensive about fasting, the fear of fasting is worse than actually fasting itself. We often may think the demands of our daily life make fasting impractical for us today.

    Throughout history, men have sometimes fasted with an incorrect understanding as they sought to earn God’s favor or man’s approval. We do not fast to prove anything to God or to deserve His favor.

    Great men and women throughout scripture and church history practiced regular fasting.

    The purposes of fastING

    Isaiah 58: Fasting is 1) To loose the bonds of wickedness; 2) To undo heavy burdens; 3) To help the oppressed go free; 4) To give bread to the hungry; 5) To receive the light of revelation in God’s Word; 6) For emotional and physical health; and 7) For righteousness to break forth.

    To Set Our Heart to Seek the Lord: Daniel intentionally set aside seasons to seek God.

    3I set my face toward the Lord God to make request by prayer… (Dan. 9:3)

    12You set your heart to understand, and to humble yourself before your God. (Dan. 10:12)

    To Confess Our Sin: To reconnect ours hearts to Jesus.

    20I was speaking, praying, and confessing my sin… (Dan. 9:20)

    19Repent…that times of refreshing may come from God’s presence… (Acts 3:19)

    Fasting for the Fulfillment of God’s Promises: The Lord has prophetic plans and promises for each ARISE person, family, city and nation. God’s prophetic promises are invitations to our destiny and not guarantees. We must actively seek the Lord for their fulfillment in our lives.

    Daniel prayed and fasted for the fulfillment of God’s promises to Israel (Dan. 9:1-3; 10:1-4).

    Cornelius fasted and prayed, and his whole house was saved as a door of grace was opened to the Gentiles (Acts 10:1-4, 30-31).

    Fasting to Stop a Crisis: Fasting to seek God for mercy during a personal or national crisis is scriptural. 1. Hannah, Samuel’s mother, distressed by her barrenness, prayed and fasted. God answered her and gave her a son who became a prophet (1 Sam. 1:7).

    God has reversed in the past and will again in the future, Israel’s desperate situation when they turn to Him in corporate prayer and fasting. Joel prophesied that God would judge Israel using locusts, and then later by a Babylonian invasion (Joel 1:2-18; 2:1-9).

    When there is no human remedy for a nation, we must call a fast. Joel called Israel to turn to God in prayer and fasting (Joel 1:13-14; 2:12-15).

    Jonah warned the wicked city of Nineveh that God was going to destroy them.

    When Nineveh repented with fasting, the Lord spared the city (Jon. 3:3-9).

    God also delivered Jehoshaphat in a military crisis (2 Chr. 20).

    For an Increase of His Power and Love: We pray for God’s power to bring healing to Mb family members, the Central Coast as well as both national and international communities. When the disciples could not set a demonized boy free, Jesus told them that that kind of demon did not go out except by prayer and fasting (Mt. 17:21).

    15Lord, have mercy on my son, for he is an epileptic…16I brought him to Your disciples, but they could not cure him. 19The disciples said, “Why could we not cast him out?”…20Jesus said, “Because of your unbelief…21This kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting.” (Mt. 17:15-21)

    Fasting for Heaven’s Intervention: Prayer & fasting release angels into personal & national situations.

    51Jesus said, “Most assuredly…you [Nathaniel] shall see heaven open, and the angels of God ascending and descending upon the Son of Man.” (Jn. 1:51)

    Fasting for Direction: The church fasted for supernatural direction.

    We fast for direction for our personal life, family, ministry assignment (in the church or marketplace, etc.).

    Paul and others prayed and fasted for direction for their ministry (Acts 13:1-2) and before selecting elders (Acts 14:23).

    Fasting for Grace to Understand: We ask to receive more insight about understanding God and His ways, His Word, and His end-time plans (Dan. 1:17; 5:12-14; 8:16-17; 9:13; 10:11-12; Isa. 26:9; Jer. 5:4-5; 23:20; 30:24).

    12Your words were heard; and I have come because of your words…14I have come to make you understand what will happen to your people in the latter days… (Dan. 10:12-14)

    22O Daniel, I have now come forth to give you skill to understand. 23At the beginning of your supplications the command went out, and I have come… (Dan. 9:22-23)

    20The anger of the LORD will not turn back until He has executed…the thoughts of His heart. In the latter days you will understand it perfectly. (Jer. 23:20)

    FASTING TO encounter God’s love (Mt. 9:14-15)

    Fasting out of our desire to encounter Him.

    We are motivated by our desire for Jesus, rather than by desire for more power in ministry or to be delivered from a personal crisis, etc. This expanded perspective of fasting is being awakened in the Church.

    14Then the disciples of John came to Him, saying, “Why do we and the Pharisees fast often, but Your disciples do not fast?” 15And Jesus said to them, “Can the friends of the Bridegroom mourn as long as the Bridegroom is with them? But the days will come when the Bridegroom will be taken away from them, and then they will fast.” (Mt. 9:14-15).

    Jesus was referring to His death on the cross when He said the days were coming when He, the Bridegroom, would be taken away from them.

    The disciples enjoyed Jesus’ presence, feeling loved by Him and rejoicing in their relationship with Him. Jesus told them that the joy they experienced in His nearness would change to mourning, or longing, when He was taken from them by His death—when the joy of His immediate presence had been taken from them, they would be heartsick. Then they would fast…

    Jesus’s disciples fasted for intimacy flowing out of a desire to encounter Him even after His death.

    We do not fast to motivate God to pay attention to us, but to receive the affection He already has for us—it is not to move His heart, but our own.

    Fasting decreases our spiritual lukewarmness.

    Jesus established the New Covenant by His death and resurrection, in which the Spirit comes and dwells in every believer. Fasting takes on a whole new dimension, because the indwelling Spirit now living in us reveals the depths of God to His disciples (1 Cor. 2:10; Heb. 10:19-22).

    Fasting answers the hearts’ cry for more of Him: Fasting is primarily centered on desire.

    Both understanding God's desire for us and awakening our desire for Him.

    We refuse to accept the current state of our spiritual barrenness and dullness.

    Once we taste the nearness of God’s presence, we hunger for more of Him.

    Fasting expands our hearts to receive more.

    When we encounter Jesus, our spiritual capacity to receive from Him increases.

    Fasting increases the depth and the measure to which we receive from the Lord.

    We receive greater measures of revelation at an accelerated pace, and with a deeper impact on our hearts.

    Fasting changes us internally which may be a new idea to some.

    Fasting results in tenderizing our hearts. Our values are changed and matured.

    Fasting affects how we relate to others, how we use our resources and the focus of our ministry @ Mb and in the community.

    Fasting moderates our physical pleasure; however it enhances our spiritual pleasure.

    Our greatest pleasure comes from the feeling & enjoying the person of Jesus.

    Fasting is an exchange: we abstain from legitimate things to “feast” on God’s Word, worship, prayer and feel more of His grace.

    Five rewards of the regular times of fasting: 
1. Fasting tenderizes & sensitizes our hearts to receive & feel more of God’s presence. 
2. Fasting changes our desires & enlarging our desire for righteousness & a focused life. (Heb. 1:9). 
3. Fasting increases our understanding of the Word and receiving prophetic dreams. (Luke 24:28-36) 
4. Fasting makes our body healthier and changes what we desire to eat and drink. 
5. Fasting strengthens our sense of identity—as sons of God, before the Father and before the Son.   Our full identity is founded on the knowledge of God’s affection for us.

    Fasting is always voluntary. Though Mb may invite others to join with us for a specific goal for a specific time, fasting is never to be forced or mandated. Therefore, fasting is not a requirement for the Mb community.

    Fasting Guidelines: For a complete summary, please see Mb Fasting Highlights & Guidelines below.

    The level at which a person engages in fasting from food should be determined according to age and physical limitations.

    Those with a physical disability, illness, or eating disorder should not fast, except under the supervision of a physician.

    Minors are discouraged from fasting food.

    Minors who desire to fast are encouraged to consider non-food abstentions, such as TV, movies, Internet, video games, and other entertainment. The Bible never calls children to fast food.

    Prayer Ministry Fasting Highlights & Guidelines

    1.     Seek the Lord for the extent of your fast whether water, juice, protein drinks or vegetables.

    2.     Make your commitment and determine the length.

    A.     A total fast is without water. Three days is usually the maximum.

    B. Water Only. Very difficult but effective. Depending on your weight and metabolism, you can go  40 days on water alone.

    C.    A fruit or vegetable juice fast allows you to enter into fasting but still gives enough energy to function, such as going to work. Most people can do a 40-day juice fast. Teenagers are encouraged to use juice and protein drinks to sustain them due to their health and metabolism needs.

     D.   A Daniel fast with vegetables and water is good for those carrying a heavy workload (e.g. moms and students). Fasting “meats and sweets” (Daniel fast) can be done by athletes who can get protein from other food sources.

      E.  Seek medical advice if you are very young, older or have health challenges.

    3.     Fast and pray to humble yourself and purify your worship.

    In fasting we are not trying to get something from God, but rather seeking to realign our heart affections with His.

    Take time to pray and read the Word. Fasting accelerates what we desire of God to do in our lives.

    Have a clear target for prayer focus.

    Write down your vision and payer goals.

    6.     Suggest doing the fast with someone (maybe someone in your small group). Parents and kids should consider fasting together.

    7.     If you fail, don’t give into condemnation.

    8.     Consider sexual abstinence for the sake of prayer. (1 Corn 7:5)

    9.     Prepare physically.

     A.   Limit food intake prior to the extended fast.

    B.    Expect physical/mental discomforts such as headaches (these will go away after a day or two), pains, impatience or crankiness, etc.

    10.  Prepare for opposition.

    A.   Discouragement may come in like a flood and try to tempt you like Satan tempted Jesus.

    11.  Fast in secret. It is okay to invite others to join the fast however, inform only those that need to know. Don’t boast about your fast and simply let people know you won’t be eating if you need too.

    12.  Break the fast over several days with fruit juice or light soups.

    13.  Feel free to rest a lot and to continue to exercise

    14.  Expect to hear God’s voice and His heart in the Word, dreams, visions and revelations.

    15.  Breakthroughs often come after a fast, not during it. Don’t entertain the thought that nothing is happening.

    Prayer Ministry Statement on Fasting

    There has been a resurgence of fasting in recent decades as God calls His people to regular times and seasons of fasting, as part of a normal Christian lifestyle. The following is a general overview of biblical precedent and guidelines when considering an individual fast.

    The practice of regular fasting as normal Christian behavior was taught by Jesus (Matthew 6:16–17 and 9:15), exercised by the early church (Acts 13:2). Fasting has been the regular discipline of believers throughout church history. The practice of fasting in Scripture usually includes, but is not limited to, abstinence from food (Daniel 10:3) and may be engaged in for varying durations; typically for no more than a few days at a time.

    Abstaining from all food for extended periods of time is biblical, but was rare and unusual in Scripture (Exodus 34:28; 1 Kings 19:5–8; Luke 4:2), and therefore should never be undertaken without counsel

    and appropriate understanding. The same standard applies to an absolute fast (Esther fast—no food or water) of any duration (Esther 4:16). Typically, the maximum length of an adult fast that can be supported biblically is forty days without food for a male adult in good health, and three days without water. The Bible does not speak of children engaging in fasting food.

    Fasting is always voluntary. Though spiritual leaders may invite others to join in corporate fasting with a specific goal in mind and for a specific time, fasting should never be forced or made compulsory. Therefore, fasting is not a mandatory requirement for anyone at ARISE or the extended ARISE prayer community. However, we do recognize and encourage it as a biblically and historically proven means of obtaining God’s grace in the context of commitment to prayer and to His Word (Joel 2:15).

    The level at which a person engages in fasting (specifically food) should be determined according to their age and with regard to any of their physical limitations. Those with a known or suspected physical disability or illness, or those with any history of an eating disorder, should never fast except in consultation with, and under the supervision of, a qualified doctor.

    Minors are discouraged from fasting food and should never engage in fasting without express parental consent and oversight. Minors who desire to fast are encouraged to consider non-food abstentions such as; TV, movies, Internet surfing, video games and other entertainment.

    In addition, pregnant women and nursing mothers should not fast food or drink as it could negatively affect the health and development of their baby and their own personal health.

    Participation in regular fasting as a routine necessitates a healthy lifestyle on days when food is not being fasted, and should include exercise and a proper diet.

    Fasting is not only abstention; it is an exchange where we abstain from certain things in order to “feast” on God’s Word, worship and prayer. Fasting releases the power of His presence that becomes more readily available to us. When undertaken with His grace and commitment, routine fasting is can be sustainable on a long-term basis; just as it was for Daniel and his friends (Daniel 1).

    While the physical impacts of fasting are real, the spiritual benefits of fasting are imparted by His Spirit during this season as well. Any fast undertaken is best done with spiritual wholeheartedness and wisdom since we are dealing with our physical body; we must count the cost realistically and honor the temple of the Holy Spirit. Whether we are fasting or abstaining, all that we do should be done for the glory of God and to develop Christlikeness in us.

    “If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.” John 15:7

    *This prayer ministry statement is for informational purposes only for those who are considering fasting. The information in this perspective reflects only the limited opinions, experience, and observations of the ARISE prayer ministry and is not meant to substitute the advice provided by your doctor or other healthcare professionals.

  • Prayer Ministry Team Training Ministering With the Holy Spirit to Others


    1. The Spirit is speaking to believers about being vessels of His supernatural ministry by functioning in the spiritual gifts and using our authority in Christ. He wants the Church to be sensitive to and operating in the spiritual gifts. Faith comes by hearing and hearing the Word of God (Rom. 10:17). Being informed about the gifts is often where faith is stirred in us to function in them.

      Now concerning spiritual gifts, brethren, I do not want you to be ignorant... (1 Cor. 12:1)

    2. We will increase our functioning in the spiritual gifts when we earnestly desire them. As we seek God’s face we can experience intimacy with Him; as we seek His hand and heart, we can release His power. We desire the spiritual gifts by praying for them and using them as we are prompted by the Holy Spirit.

      Earnestly desire the best gifts. Desire spiritual gifts, especially that you may prophesy... 39 Desire earnestly to prophesy... (1 Cor. 12:31; 14:1, 12, 39)
      Since you are zealous for spiritual gifts, let it be for the edification of the church that you

      seek to excel.

    3. The prophetic spirit is expressed through us in sometimes dramatic ways as well as more subtle ways. The dramatic ways include dreams, visions, angelic encounters, soft power encounters of kindness, hearing God’s still small voice, etc. The subtle ways are typically more common. They include receiving faint impressions such as:

      1. 1)  Mental pictures: reoccurring impressions or pictures in our minds that indicate how the Lord will touch others by imparting His kindness, grace or healing to them.

      2. 2)  Emotional stirrings: feeling various emotions like joy, kindness, peace, confidence, sadness, or a burden for a person or a ministry as an indicator that the Lord will touch others related to that emotion or burden.

      3. 3)  Sympathetic pains: feeling pain in a specific part of our bodies as an indicator that the Lord desires to heal the disease or pain that others are feeling in that particular part of their body.

      4. 4)  Physical sensations: experiencing the Spirit’s presence (pressure, warmth, trembling, etc.) in a specific area of our bodies or through our five senses (e.g. smell or taste) as an indicator that the Lord desires to touch others in a way related to the physical sensation that we receive.

    4. All of us are called to prophesy and function in the gifts of the Spirit. The Holy Spirit is stirring up the Church in faith to operate in His power as a part of our lifestyle. It is time to begin to walk in new opportunities in God as we pray for the sick and weary. Today, is the day of salvation.

      In the last days...I will pour out of My Spirit on all flesh; Your sons and daughters shall prophesy, your young men shall see visions, your old men shall dream dreams... (Acts 2:17)

      I wish you all spoke with tongues, but even more that you prophesied...31 You can all prophesy. (1 Cor. 14:5, 31)

    E. We must be intentional and sensitive about receiving the Spirit’s prophetic leading when we gather in groups or in relational gatherings. We do this simply by asking the Holy Spirit, “What are you doing or saying?” He will often answer by giving us faint prophetic impressions. One simple phrase from the Spirit gives us a “hint” as to what He wants to do. It is like a key that opens a door into our understanding.

    Jesus answered... "The Son can do nothing of Himself, but what He sees the Father do; for whatever He does, the Son also does in like manner.” (Jn. 5:19)


    1. We need to have a correct perspective of how the gifts function so that we value and benefit from them.

    2. Principle: The demonstration of the Spirit’s power often follows the declaration of God’s word from the lips of a believer. The Spirit moves as we speak words that agree with God’s will.

    3. First, we function in the gifts by giving expression to impressions that the Spirit gives us. The impressions that we speak must honor the Scripture. As we pray Spirit-inspired impressions over the people, we release the power of God’s heart to them. We exercise our faith by giving expression to the impressions of the Spirit. These impressions are like a prophetic key that unlocks a door of hope, encouragement, edification or comfort.

    4. The gifts often begin as the still small voice of God or as a subtle impression of the Spirit to our spirit. It can be so subtle that we may not always understand the value of it. Some may disregard it and wait for a more detailed vision. If we understand the value of God’s small voice and stirring in us, then we will be more sensitive and attentive.

      11 Behold, the LORD passed by, and a great and strong wind tore into the mountains and broke the rocks in pieces before the LORD, but the LORD was not in the wind; and after the wind an earthquake, but the LORD was not in the earthquake; 12 and after the earthquake a fire, but the LORD was not in the fire; and after the fire a still small voice. (1 Kgs. 19:10-12)

    5. We can ask the question: “Holy Spirit, what are you saying or doing?” This simple act of asking makes us receptive and sensitive to what He is doing. This question prepares us to receive the Spirit’s impressions, pictures or the prophetic whisper of His heart for those he loves.

      1. Being sensitive to that still small prophetic whisper has been described like putting up the sail of a boat on a really calm day. When it seems like there is no breeze, the sail responds to even the most gentle breeze. A similar sensitivity occurs when we ask Jesus what He is doing and then discern His prompting.

      2. When we receive even the most subtle impression of the Spirit, it can move our heart in faith to minister to others His power and love. We can increase our sensitivity by saying, “Holy Spirit, what do You want to do or say through me today?” Ask, seek & knock.

    6. We often do not have prophetic impressions to minister to others simply because we do not ask for them (Jas. 4:2). Just think of what the Lord would do if we turn our hearts and yield to Him. Practice moving past those feelings rooted in uncertainty. Begin to take a risk and speak His heart to others.

    1. Second, when praying for others, dial down emotionally and begin to quiet our souls so we can “listen,” or discern the impressions of the Spirit. This allows others to hear from Him too. We try not to “preach” over people that we are praying with.

    2. Third, we value the power of God even when it is released in small measures. We need not despise the smaller measures of his grace. It is still God’s power that works even when 10% of a headache or back pain is healed. We can honor every touch as being from God’s hand. Every good gift comes down from the Father of lights.

    3. We can easily overlook the smallness of God’s power in our ministry. Humility is matured as we walk with God on His terms of being faithful and grateful in the days of small beginnings.

    4. Fourth, try not be preoccupied with the fear of missing it. The more important question is not “What if I miss it?” but rather “What if it is God and I miss a chance to release a touch of His love and power to someone really in need?”

    5. Fifth, be supernaturally natural by using softer language when you are not sure if the impression you received is from the Lord. For example, we do not have to say, “Thus says the Lord: God will heal you today.” We can simply say, “I want to pray for you; I believe God wants to touch you.” If we have discerned incorrectly, we will not hurt anyone if we use flexible language when uncertain. We only know in part and prophesy in part.

    6. Do not feel pressure to come up with something. Our responsibility is to be open to the Holy Spirit.

    7. Why do many believers neglect to prophesy according to the scripture? It takes love, sensitivity, and spiritual contending to prophesy often. It requires attentiveness to the Spirit to receive small impressions from Him. It also requires confidence that allows for risks to act on the impressions. It is much easier to draw back and miss out on what God wants to impart to others.

    8. There is desire involved in being continually available to the Spirit’s prompting.


    A. The manifestation of the Spirit is given to everyone for the profit of others (v. 7, 11).

    The manifestation of the Spirit is given to each one for the profit of all: for to one is given the word of wisdom through the Spirit, to another the word of knowledge through the same Spirit, to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healings by the same Spirit, to another the working of miracles, to another prophecy, to another discerning of spirits, to another different kinds of tongues, to another the interpretation of tongues. The Spirit works all these things, distributing to each one individually... (1 Cor. 12:7-11)

    B. All these gifts are from the Holy Spirit and are supernatural in the grace and design of God. There are generally three recognized categories of the gifts.
    Gifts of revelation reveal something: word of wisdom, word of knowledge, discerning of spirits. Gifts of power do something: the gift of faith, working of miracles, and gifts of healings.

    Gifts of inspiration say something: prophecy, tongues (spiritual prayer language), and interpretation of tongues.


      1. Word of knowledge (Jn. 4:18; Acts 5:1-10; 9:10-12; 10:9-20; Rev. 2-3): Holy Spirit inspired revelation with information related to the past or present. He reveals a word or “fragment” of information related to people, places, or things. It can be expressed through a vision, scripture, an angel, dream, or gift of prophecy. The gifts often operate together. E.g. Word of knowledge and healing, Word of wisdom and prophecy.

      2. Word of wisdom (Acts 9:10-16; 8:26-29; 11:28-30; 21:10-11): Revelation with is not called the gift of wisdom.

      3. Discerning of spirits (Acts 9:3-8; 16:16-18): Insight into the spirit world. It is to discern or perceive a spirit or the spirit realm, both good and bad. It is not called the gift of discernment. It is more than perceptive insight or understanding people’s tendencies, temperament or weakness.


      1. Working of miracles: It is the empowering presences of the Spirit to work an instantaneous miracle. A miracle is a supernatural intervention in the ordinary course of nature. This gift is an action gift that is demonstrated e.g. Jesus turned the water into wine (Jn. 2) and fed the 5,000 (Jn. 6:6-14).

      2. Gift of faith: It is a manifestation of the Spirit to receive a work of the Holy Spirit, e.g. supernatural of protection in time of need, direction for life’s decisions, etc. Daniel passively received a miracle in the lion’s den (Dan. 6:16-23) as Paul did in a storm (Acts 27) and Elijah did when fed by ravens (1 Kgs. 17:2-6). As this gift of faith functions, things come your way that you could not make happen: exact numbers in financial issues or divine appointments. The gift of faith protects us in times of danger. The working of miracles changes the circumstances that have caused the danger. E.g. Paul was protected in a storm by the gift of faith. However, Jesus rebuked the storm, causing it to change by the working of a miracle.

      3. Gifts of healings: In the original Greek, both "gifts" and "healings" are in the plural. It is the only gift of the Spirit in the plural. Healing is process, whereas miracles are instantaneous.


      1. Gift of prophecy: Holy Spirit inspired grace to edify, exhort, and comfort people (1 Cor. 14:3) vs. direction, etc.

      2. Different kinds of tongues: tongues of men and angels (1 Cor. 13:1). There is a difference between the gift of tongues for the corporate body and for private devotional times (1 Cor. 12:30; 14:2-4).

    He who speaks in a tongue does not speak to men but to God, for no one understands him; however, in the spirit he speaks mysteries... He who speaks in a tongue edifies himself... (1 Cor. 14:2-4)

    C. Interpretation of tongues: Interpretation of God’s heart for the building up of the church; not only a translation of a language.

    Q&A, Ministry Time

  • Praying the Scripture: An Overview

     The power and presence of the Holy Spirit is released when

    The Fathers’ words are prayed during our intercessions.

    Praying the scripture of the bible

    Bible study is meant to lead us into conversation with God by giving us prayer language to blend the written Word together with our conversations with Him…simply speaking the Word back to Him in prayer.

    Jesus said, “My Words are spirit…and life.” “You study the Scriptures diligently because in them you think you have eternal life; these are the very scriptures that testify about Me, however you refuse to come to Me (i.e. talk to Me in prayer) to have life.” (Jn. 5:39-40)

    Jesus called us to abide in Him: Praying the Word means we are in joint partnership with Him.

    “He who abides in Me (i.e. talks to Me), and I in him (i.e. I abide or talk to you), bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing…If you abide in Me (i.e. talks to Me), and My words abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you.”

    (Jn. 15:5-7)

    The foundation of this lifestyle means talking and praying to Him as we speak the scripture back to Him. Our spiritual growth is not based solely on more ‘knowledge’ of God’s words…it is based more on the application of the knowledge we have of God’s words. If we pray His words back to Him; the power of the written Word goes deep into our spirit, abides there… and changes us over time…no matter how long it takes.

    D. Spend time in God’s presence pondering the Word as you listen for Him to give you understanding. In addition, take time to specifically ask the Lord to empower your heart to obey the passages. Try to write down your thoughts and prayers as you pray through Scripture. This helps us develop a deeper understanding and imparts power to transform us from glory to greater glory in Christlikeness

    E. The following suggestions are helpful as we read through the Scripture and follow up by praying the Bible passages back to God. This will help us at ARISE to align our hearts with His, and to receive from Him the power and truth of the Father’s purpose for us, transforming us into His image.

    two general categories of praying the scripture

    A. Try praying scriptures that help you “to believe” in the glory of God and the transforming promises of His Word. Jesus said, “How can you believe, when you receive glory from one another instead of the glory from the only God?” (John 5:44).                                                                               Pray Scriptures that declare Gods’ glory, kindness, His mercy, willingness to forgive as He changes us from glory to glory…as He leads us, heals us, protects & provides for us. When we read a specific portion of scripture, we turn the words of scripture into personal prayer requests.

    For example from Colossians 3:12 we can pray:

    “Thank you Jesus that You have called me to put on tender mercies… you have asked me to put on a heart of kindness… You continue to show me how to walk humbly before you when I feel prideful… to have a heart that is increasing in meekness and embracing long suffering when I feel weak and broken during seasons of testing.”

    Or pray something along these lines: “Lord, thank you for being patient with me as I learn how to love the way You love…loving the Father and others… I want to feel the Fathers’ love for You the same way that You feel His love for You.” (John 17:26)

    Example: We ask God to impart the specific truths of scripture deep within us. We can pray for a release of , “…the spirit of wisdom and revelation, in the knowledge of Him.” (Eph. 1:17). “Father, I pray You would impart to me wisdom to understand the deep things of Your heart toward others…that I would have a clear revelation of how to love weak, broken people at a deeper level…that You are… “the Lord that exercises kindness, justice and righteousness on the earth.” (Jeremiah 9:24)… “Lord, teach me how to walk in kindness and justice toward others, that expands Your kingdom of righteousness on the earth.”

    We can feel God’s pleasure by praying the actual scripture from His Word that help us to believe and mature unto Christlikeness…praying the Word until the Word becomes part of us

    B. Pray Scriptures that encourages us “to obey” God’s Word. Jesus said, “…if you love Me…then you will obey My commandments”. Spend time praying for the heart attitude to voluntarily obey this passage. Prayer resolutions that agree with scripture to obey are a powerful way to strengthen our hearts during seasons of weakness and inconsistency…it feels good when we know that we are pleasing Him at the heart-level.

          Example: Pray Scriptures that help us voluntarily conform into His image through acts of our love-based obedience. He enjoys seeing us walk in greater purity, more power and more love as He uses us to express His glory on the earth.                                                                                                                                                         “The knowledge and glory of the Lord will cover the earth as the waters cover the sea.”   Habakkuk 2:14

    We enjoy our time with God by praying scriptural truths back to Him that exhort us to obey       His Word.

    First, we commit ourselves to obey God in the specific ways revealed in many biblical passages. Make a commitment to say “Yes” to obey the Word as you read passages about obedience…

    Example: “You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart…” Mt. 22:37. Pray something like: “Lord, I want to be strengthened in confidence and tenderness so I can voluntarily love and obey You with all my heart.”

    Second, we ask God to impart grace to obey specific truths seen in Scripture. Ask Him for help to give you wisdom, focus, and power to obey during times of temptation. For example, pray: “Father, help me to love You with a holy abandonment…to let no unwholesome word proceed from my mouth…to use my time and resources at ARISE Central Coast by un-compromising, voluntary love-based obedience.”

    Example: “Father, lead me away from temptation…” (Mt. 6:13), or “deliver me from the works of the evil one…” (Jn. 17:15).

    IIi. examples of praying the scripture

    Jesus promises to reveal the Father’s tender mercy to us as the way to perfect love in us for     God…it is God showing us how to love God. We will be strengthened in our spirit if we             regularly pray His Word back to Him.

    Sample verse: “I (Jesus) have declared to them Your name (Fathers’), and will declare it, that the love with which You loved Me may be in them, and I in them.” (Jn. 17:26)

    Example: “Jesus, I thank You for Your commitment to reveal the Father’s heart to me…that I  would love You the way the Father loves You. I ask for more sensitivity and kindness to love like You love.”

    God promises to show His power to those who are loyal to Him. Sample Verse: “For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth; to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him.” (2 Chr. 16:9)

    Example: “I thank You for committing to show Yourself strong in me…I yield my heart to be loyal to the Holy Spirit’s leadership in all that I do with my speech, eyes, actions, time and money. Continue to help me to walk this out.”

    Jesus promises to reveal His presence to those who obey His commandments.

    Sample Verse: “He who has My commandments and keeps them, it is he who loves Me…and he who loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I will love him and manifest Myself to him…” (Jn. 14:21)

      Example: “I thank You for committing to show me how to fully love You and voluntarily apply your Words in all that I do…Lord, I want to deny the deepest most fundamental desires that are contrary to your cross and instead walk in tender obedience to You.”

    The Father loves everyone in the sense of valuing, caring for and pursuing them. However, He abides with those who pursue His standards of full obedience to the scripture in lifestyle and choices.

    In addition, we are called to obey the Holy Spirit’s leadership in those things we look at.

    Example: “I have made a covenant with my eyes; why should I look upon a young woman? (Job 31:1) and “I will set nothing wicked before my eyes…” Ps. 101:3 Example: “Lord, I set my heart to not look on anything that offends the Holy Spirit within me…help me to do this with consistency and confidence to know You are faithful to intercede for me.”

    We are called to obey the Holy Spirit’s leadership in our speech and body. God promises that our whole body will be bridled as we obey the Spirit in our speech.

    “If anyone does not stumble in word, he is a perfect man, able also to bridle the whole body (human passions)...The tongue is so set among our members that it defiles the whole body…” (Jas 3:2-6)

    Sample Verse: “Set a guard, O’ LORD, over my mouth; keep watch over the door of my lips.” (Ps. 141:3) and “Let no unwholesome word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers. Do not grieve the Holy Spirit…” Eph. 4:29-30

    Example: “Lord, I yield my heart to keep (obey) Your Word in my speech. Holy Spirit, help me to do this with consistency… and I ask you to strengthen me in my weakness.”

    Q & A:

  • Prophetic Ministry: An Overview

    A Practical Guide to Contemporary Prophetic Ministry and Basic Distinctives

    I Discovering Your Gift

    How Gifts Are Given

    1. Sovereign Impartation- May be most common: Unsought and initially misunderstood.

    Often God will turn on the adventure of prophetic experiences unannounced.

    Holy Spirit gives spiritual gifts, “All these [spiritual gifts] are the work of one and the same Spirit, and he gives them to each one, just as he determines.” 1 Corn 12:11

    Apostolic Impartation

    a. “…fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of my hands” 1Tim 1:6

    When today’s leaders with apostolic function in the Church lay hands on and pray for people to receive spiritual gifts: Their gifts can increase in strength. (e.g. John Wimber)

    Prophetic Impartation

    a. Paul said, “Do not neglect your gift, which was given you through a prophetic message when the body of elders laid their hands on you.” (1 Tim. 4:14)

    Prophetic gifts activated: laying on of hands, simple word spoken in authority.

    Personal Prayer for Gifts

    a. Our prayers can influence God’s activity in this life. “If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer.” Matt. 21:22

    Pray for the gifts you want; prayer may affect the Holy Spirits’ desire to give you gifts.

    If you want the gift of prophecy, pray for it. “Pursue love, and desire spiritual gifts, especially that you may prophesy…” I Corn 14:1

    Recognizing Prophets: Three Revelatory Abilities-Tell Us Things We Cannot See

    1. Accurately Predict the Future: e.g. Joseph and Agabus knew worldwide famines were coming. Gen. 41:25-32; Acts 11:27-28

    2. Reveal present priorities of the Lord for our lives.

    May call for fasting, e.g. Joel 1:14, 2:12, Mark 2:18-20

    May call for repentance or to a new ministry, e.g. Eph. 5:10

    3. Shed light on mysteries of our lives or make sense of our pain: e.g. Isa 57:1, Isa 58:3-6,

    Jer. 14:12, Zech. 7:4-7

    Revealed by revelation from God to “…edify (encourage), exhortation and comfort..,” I Cor 14:3.

    Recognizing Your Gift: We Do Not Need to Strive to Acquire, They Are Given Freely.

    1. Common Mistake-Always seeing what is wrong with people, churches or ministries.

    2. N.T. prophet is called to build up, not tear down.

    3. Follow the desires of our heart for prophetic ministry. “Delight yourself in the Lord and he        will give you the desires of your heart.” Ps. 37:4

    4. Receive prayer & counsel of others and practice prophetic gift.

    Regular prophetic understanding about others, still small voice, dreams.

    Accuracy when ministering to others and if others are built up.

    II Learning How God Reveals: Bringing Freedom by Revelation of His Affections

    The Meaning of Revelation: Making Known to Us Without Our Natural Senses

    1. Walking in unexplained realms of receiving pictures, vision, “knowing in our spirit”

    Answering a question you did not know to ask

    Varies in clarity, delivery and intensity.

    2. "The hand of the Lord was upon me” or “The Lord spoke to me with his strong hand upon         me”, means the message pressed into his soul and greater power. Ezek. 3:22, Isa. 8:11.

    3. Less certainty of “God said”…is “It seemed good to the Holy Spirit and to us…”Acts 15:28.

    Wise to indicate our level of certainty is a sign of maturity.

    “I believe this is what I’m hearing or seeing…”

    B. The Means of Revelation: Primary Way Though The Written Word, i.e. Bible Scripture.

    1. Appearances of the Lord, i.e. The Son of God (John 1:14-18)

    Appeared to his friends and occasional enemy. (Gen. 20:3)

    Dream or vision, physical form (Gen. 18:1), an angel (Ex. 3:2).

    Wrapped in His glory, moments of crisis, turning points of history, moments of rebellion to warn or judge.

    2. Angels: Ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation. (Heb. 1:14)

    Protect us, deliver us, bring messages to us from heaven. Escort us to heaven (Luke 16:22)

    May appear in their glory or human form. May perform service without hint of presence.

    Often prophets see them when others cannot. (2 Kings 6:1515-17)

    3. Audible Voice: God spoke in audible voice to individuals (Moses), crowds and nations.

    a.   Rarest form in the bible of how God speaks. (Num. 12-6-8). Comes at moments of crisis or       need for affirmation, e.g. baptism, before the cross, conversion of Paul.

    b.  General rule: There is a price for clarity…the clearer the revelation, the more difficult to       fulfill the revelation. Clarity meant to overcome doubt in midst of trails that follow.

    4. Audible Only to Your Ears: No one else does. E.g. Samuel heard his name, Eli didn’t. “Speak       Lord, for your servant is listening.” 1Sam. 3:1-14. .

    5. The Internal, Audible Voice: Hear with your mind. “The word of the Lord came to me        saying…” “The word of the Lord came.” Ezekiel 14:1. Usually involves something of        importance.

    6.   Sentence Fragments: May speak of a word which is clear but the interpretation is not. “It is       the glory of God to conceal a matter, but the glory of king’s is to search out a matter.”

    7.  A Knowing: Divine revelation you simply know. Jesus knew thoughts and plans. Matt 22:18,      Mark 2:8, John 6:15. He knows our hearts and reveals the secrets of our hearts.

    8. Impressions: Less certain than inner knowings. A feeling that something is so. Nehemiah followed a feeling in his heart, not an audible voice or word. “So my God put it into my heart to assemble the nobles…” (Neh. 7:5).

    9. Dreams, Visions and Trances: “For God may speak in one way or another, yet man does not perceive it. In a dream, in a vision of the night when deep sleep falls upon men, while slumbering on their beds, Then He opens the ears of men, and seals their instruction. In order to turn man from his deed…” Job

    Dreams are used to speak to us when our defenses are down and we’re more receptive.

    b.   Visions normally occur while we are awake.

    A trance is a vision in which we lose the use of our physical senses. Paul and Peter fell into trances. (Acts 10:10, 22:17)

    d. “In the last days, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will        prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams.”Acts 2:17-18

    10. The Natural World: Speaks thru His creation in at least three ways.

    Design of creation reveals His personality of beauty and power.

    Natural world speaks of the supernatural. E.g. a lazy person can learn from by observing an ant. (Prov. 6:6-11)

    God may use natural events to express His plans. E.g. Locust invasion to give Joel a message for his nation. (Joel 2:25), used fire, wind, earthquake to Elijah. (1 Kings 19:11)

    11. Fleeces. Judges 6:36-40. Appropriate when making a decision, especially at an impasse.

    Caution: Make sure fleece is supernatural and can’t be manipulated.

    Use sparingly and as a last resort after praying, waiting, seeking His word.

    Fleece is a lower, less personal form of revelation. Either God has not spoken, we could not hear or what He said hasn’t given us confidence.

    C.  A Word of Caution: Prophetic Experience Is Powerful and Remains Today.

    1. Mistake to think an angel could just visit or we could hear audible voice and all problems       would go away. Many great biblical prophets experienced miraculous power of God but had       significant failures in their lives

    2. Mistake to become more enamored with supernatural experience than with the Lord.

    III Discerning God’s Voice

    A. Four Tests: Preliminary Foundations for Discerning

    1. The Bible: “The scripture cannot be broken.” John 10:35

    2. The Character of the Lord’s voice. Peace, hope, encouragement, comfort, affection

    3. The Fruit of the inner voice. Fruit of the Spirit. Phil 4:8

                4. The Content of His voice. “For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways                   My ways…My ways are higher that your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts.”

    B. Embracing Our Weakness: The Human Heart Tries To Use The Four Tests For Its Own Benefit.

    1. God places a remarkable gift in a plain earthen vessel so people would not be tempted to give       us the glory He deserves.

    2. God chooses the times of anointing. We need to embrace our times of deserted anointing       and embarrassment…our thorn in the flesh with humility.

    C.  The Humble Heart: The Power Of Christ Rests On Those Who Embrace Their Weakness.(2Cor. 12:9)

    1. The humble heart and understand the voice of God. E.g. Moses was, “…more humble than       anyone else on the face of the earth.” (Num. 12:3-8). Humility is the pathway to intimacy.

    2. Humility is not the denial of our attributes. It is believing in our hearts that our best qualities       are not good enough to deserve God’s attention. .

    D.  The Desert: For Those Greatly Used By God, Humility Is Almost Always Acquired In The Desert.

    1. The desert is used to bring prophetic ministers to a place of dependence and gratitude.

    2. The greater the prophetic gifting, the greater and more severe the time in the desert to deal       with personal and prophetic pride. Humility is imparted and promotion is on the way.

    3. John the Baptist said of Jesus, “He must increase and I must become less.” He learned that in       the desert.

    E.  God is Still Using the Desert

    1. Voluntary partnership with Him.

    2. He wants to share with us the releasing of His plans and purposes.

    IV Understanding God’s Meaning: When We Are Willing to Risk Looking Foolish for The Lord, His                                                              Mercy Redeems Our Mistakes.

                  “Listen to my instruction and be wise” do not ignore it. Blessed is the man who listens to                       me, watching daily at my doors.” Pro 8:33-34

    A. Revelation, Interpretation, and Application

    “Truly, Truly I say to you, the Son can do nothing of Himself unless He sees the Father                     doing it: for whatever the Father does, these things the Son does in like manner.”

                       John 5:19

    1. Revelation (what is said) is the message of God through the scripture, dream, impression, etc.

    2. We can have true revelation and give it the wrong interpretation.

    3. We can have true revelation, a true interpretation, and a wrong application.

    4. All three need to be correct to benefit others.

    Guidelines: Ask the Lord what the word means applied to the person. Okay to ask the person to help with interpretation, i.e. “Do those words mean anything to you?”

    Luke and Agabus urged Paul not to go to Jerusalem and be imprisoned. Paul went anyway. (Act 21:10-14). The revelation was true, but Paul and his companions came up with two contradictory applications of the revelation.

    B. Write it Down: ”The words I have spoken to you are spirit and are life.” John 5:63

    1. Daniel wrote down his visions and dreams immediately. (Dan 7:1). We cannot interpret what                   we cannot remember

    2. We must hear them ourselves first in order to meditate and then obey.

    C. The Role of the Heart: Sensitive Heart Listening Is Essential If We Are To Walk In Power.

    1. He allows failures to tenderize our hearts to walk in humility

    2. Knowledge puffs up. (1 Cor. 8:1). No one is immune from pride of knowledge.

    3. To help us die to the pleasure of self-exaltation He occasionally allows embarrassment.

    4. Engineered embarrassment by God is not a sign of His irritation, but His love to impart                   humility. It is the humble, not the smart, that God guides and teaches. (Ps. 25:9)

    5. The key to interpreting all forms of divine revelation is found in the heart, not in the mind.                   Because of the condition of their hearts the religious leaders could not hear God’s voice. (John                   5:37)

    D. Willing to Obey: “If any man is willing to do His will, he shall know of the teaching, whether it                                           is of God, or whether I speak from Myself” John 7:17

    1. Humble people want to obey God, even when obedience is painful.

    2.  Why should He speak to us if He knows we have no intention of obeying him.

    3. He longs for those He can share His secrets. (Gen. 18:17).

    4. Friendship with God: This is the goal of prophetic ministry…affectionate burning desire.

    E.   Prayer: “Call to Me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do                       not  know” Jer. 33:3

    1. Humble people pray. We fail to understand revelation because we do not ask God to reveal.

    2. Skilled prophetic interpreters are always devoted to prayer. E.g. Daniel had, “insight and       understanding” (Dan. 9:22)

    V The Purpose of Symbolic Language: The Lord Hides His Wisdom in The Holy Spirit So That                                     The Intellectual And Religiously Proud Cannot Find It In Their Natural Talent.

    A. Interpreting Symbols

    1. Prayer will be the primary method for seeking His symbolism and meaning

    a. E.g. “The bread that came down from heaven”, offended the Jewish leaders.

    There is no manual of symbol interpretation…symbols can have different meanings in different contexts.

    c. Many things in Bible have both literal & symbolic meanings.

    1. i.e. “purple” often represents “royalty, blue for heaven, revelation or salvation.

    2. “Foxes” = cunning or small destructive influences as in problems that can destroy a marriage over time (Song of Songs 2:14).

    3. Vipers may represent religious poison or gossip.

    4. The right hand stands for power, “wine” can represent joy, “wind” the Holy Spirit

    2. Symbols from contemporary experience.

    e.g. Dream you are in an airplane that crashes due to pilot error

    Pay attention to details that stand out. Usually a major clue, the context of the dream or vision will determine which details are relevant..

    Most common mistake is to take something literally that was intended to be symbolic

    Heart attacks often speak of spiritual attacks of the heart.

    Wheelchair frequently denote spiritual paralysis

    No rigid rules to distinguish the literal from the symbolic.

    Discernment is acquired in prayer over time with practice.

    3. Negative events in dreams and visions are warnings, not decreed events. (Job 33:13-18)

    May warn us if we do not repent of attitude or behavior

    May be the devil has planned a special attack against us and dream is prompting to pray.

    B. Tormenting Dreams

    1. Most all prophetic people are subject to tormenting dreams

    Seem to be revelatory and tell a real, coherent and bad story that we feel despair/abandon. .

    Sometimes the devil is the source of dreams. He is a master deceiver and will imitate.

    How you feel when you fall asleep, i.e. worry, anger, movies, may trouble our dreams.

    Prophetic gifting does not live in a tidy world and they move in realms where angels and demons cross paths. Confusion and ambiguity are frequent companions.

    2. Of all the gifts, none seem to rest on such flimsy experiences as prophecy.

    No ministry is as difficult to learn. More art than science.

    Pursue love, and desire spiritual gifts. (1 Cor. 14:1, 39)

    VI Avoiding Prophetic Extremes

    A. Biblical Behaviors of Prophets- May Appear Strange

    1. Jeremiah bought an expensive line belt, buried it, and dug it up later, claiming the ruined belt             was a message to the nation.

    2. Hosea married a prostitute (Gomer), Isaiah went around naked for three years.

    B. Glorifying the Strange: Glorify Him and Not the Experience

    1. Biblical experiences: God did these sometimes to offend the minds of the religious.

    Sprit picked up people & physically dropped them elsewhere. (1 Kings 18:12, Acts 8:39)

    He caused a donkey to speak (Num. 22-21-30)

    Handkerchiefs waved over the demon-possessed and healed. (Acts 19:11-12)

    2. Our response should glorify Him instead of the experience (i.e. falling down, laughing, etc.)

    C. Reproducing the Strange: Often the behavior is a singular event. E.g. handkerchiefs from Paul.

    1. God still does both strange and new things. He may ask us to do both strange and new.      

    D. False Guilt: Fear of doing something socially unacceptable. We hesitate for 2 reasons.

    1. Looking foolish.

    2. Uncertain if God is in it.

    3. Often thoughts come from our familiarity with scriptures instead of specific divine leading.

    4. It is natural to search for reason of our failure to see a healing.

    5. We need to work in the realm of our prophetic level of faith and not beyond.

    E. Ten Rules for Prophetic Success

    1. Emphasize the main and the plain, not the rare and the bizarre

    2. Don’t do anything without a clear leading from God.

    3. Don’t do anything prophetically that is potentially embarrassing to a person without their                   permission.

    4. “I am not an exception to the rules. I am a beginner in the school of prophetic understanding.”

    5. Rules 5 through 10: The same as rule number 4.

    VII Giving Prophetic Messages

    A. Observing the Golden Rule: Do Unto Others as You Would Have Them Do to You.”

    1. Real prophetic ministers not only see our secrets; they are also full of mercy.

    2. Seeing a secret sin in someone is a test of our compassion and mercy to see them free.

    B. Getting the Timing Right

    1. “A word aptly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver.” (Prov. 25.11)

    2. Never give a prophetic word to someone without asking & receiving the Lord’s permission       first.

    3. If we had the capacity to receive the revelation, we have the capacity to hear what to do with       it.

    4. Ask Him how to apply the revelation. Since people are different, an application that may       provoke one person may benefit another.

    5. Sometimes we don’t receive an interpretation of the revelation. But He may ask to still give the       revelation. The Lord is testing the hearts of the hearers to see they value seeking Him to       understand.

    6. Be careful to not say more than God has said. If we add anything, distinguish between the       revelation and our opinions

    C. Realizing the Power of a General Word

    1. General words, unclear words with global applications, tempt prophets to add to revelation.

    2. Since people value specific words more than general: adding will cause prophet to feel power.                   If it is a general word and from the Lord, it will have power.

    3. E.g., “I believe the Lord has shown me the (general word). Does that mean anything to you?”

    D. Being Kind: A Gentle Answer Turns Away Wrath, But a Harsh Word Stirs up Anger. Pr 15:1

    1. When we give words to people, make them feel at ease, smile, call them by name.

    2. Give word with tenderness and gentleness. They should feel loved.

    E.   Interceding

    1. It may be our prayers, not our message, which the Lord uses to help the person.

    2. Wait for the Lord, put your trust in Him so you don’t fall into the rejected prophet syndrome.

    F. Withholding Words: A Sign of Prophetic Maturity

    1. Prophetic Restraint-Isa. 8:16, 29:11; Dan. 8:26; 12:4, 9

    2. Prophetic purpose may be to intercede instead of prophesy. Every revelation is a call to prayer.

    3. Timing may be not right, messages in stages or we may see what someone is planning to do but                    not what God actually wants that person to do…we would incorrectly confirm their direction.

    G. Saying “Thus Says the Lord” or “The Holy Spirit says”.

    1. OT Prophets: Phrase use to claim to speak precise words of God, not interpretations. .

    2. When we use this term, we leave the person no room to disagree. They may feel controlled or                   manipulated.

    3. Most of us do not have the authority to use it.

    H. Prophetic Authority: Words Always Subject to the Authority of Scripture

    1. “If anybody thinks he is a prophet or spiritually gifted, let him acknowledge that what I am        writing to you is the Lord’s command.” (1 Cor. 14:37)

    2. Personal revelation is only for the people to whom it is given and only for that specific time.

    3. Should we base a decision on a prophetic word? Jeremiah 42: People asked him if they should       stay in Judah or flee to Egypt, he said God would only protect them if they stayed in Judah. But       he is speaking to the remnant of the rebellious nation and personally telling them where to live.

    4. Most OT examples of prophetic ministry deal with prophets giving corporate words.

    5. The authority structure of the church differs from that of the nation Israel. When Jesus came,         He gave this authority to the apostles, not to the prophets. .

    6. Prophets in the church speak to individuals for their comforting, encouraging, and       strengthening. God is preparing the church to receive a higher level of prophetic ministry.

    7. The elders (those who direct the affairs of a church, including pastors) should not exert       authority over the personal lives of the followers of Christ

    8.   Normal experience for us:

    a. We hear His voice (John 10:4)

    b.   The Holy Spirit leads us (Rom 8:14)

    We hear from the Holy Spirit regarding our personal decisions

    Prophets can help by praying listening prayer, support, confirm or clarify what we think the Lord is saying.

    I. Respecting Pastoral Authority

    1. Giving major correction without thought of impact of the message.

    2. Giving a message without the authority to give.

    Messages that involve radical redirection of a ministry.

    Major live changing message comes from entrusted prophets with proven supernatural track record and acknowledged divine authority.

    Training can encourage those still immature in an understanding of God’s divine authority.

    The purpose of divine authority is different from earthly authority. It is given to lead people into a deeper intimacy with Jesus, not to control others. Divine authority eludes those who seek it, leaves those who abuse it, and rests on those who rest in the Word.

    VII Deception, Demons and False Prophets

    A. The Counterfeit Ministry

    1. Only God can create, so one of the devil’s main strategies is to deceive people by                   counterfeiting what God does.

    2. Does the Lord speak to, give wisdom and lead His people…so does the devil

    3. The devil has false christs and false apostles whom he empowers to do counterfeit signs,                  wonders, and miracles.( Matt. 24:24, 2 Cor. 11:13-15, 2 Thess. 2:9; Rev. 16:14)

    4. The devil will counterfeit everything God does, even the gifts God has given to the church.

    5. The purpose is lead away from the truth, cause division, weakening purity and power.

    6. The devil has made the church afraid of real supernatural gifts and those who use them.

    B. False Prophets

    1. Have power: Predict the future, perform signs and wonders.

    2. Seek to undermine true prophets, persecute them & promote immorality in God’s people.

    3. A false prophet is not a prophet who makes a mistake in a prediction. The false prophet of                   Deut. 18:20 was to be put to death not because he made a mistake, but because he presumed to                   be like Moses (referring to the Messiah as mediator between the people and God).

    4. Ref: Deut. 18:15-22, there is no other text in the Old Testament supporting the idea that a                   prophet was executed for a mistake.

    Nathan made a mistake by speaking in the name of the Lord to David telling him to go ahead with the plans to build the temple, God simply corrected Nathan. No one attempted to stone him.

    Jesus said to recognize a false prophet by the fruit of his ministry, not his power, his miracles or his accuracy.

    If NT prophets could not make mistakes, why did Paul command the church to judge prophetic words (1 Cor. 14:29)

    Two contemporary theologians teach contrary doctrines on the debate of the gifts having already passed away, one has to be wrong. But no one accuses them of being a false teacher

    All pastors, teachers and evangelists make mistakes, just a Peter did. (Gal. 2_11-21) .

    C. New Testament Categories of Prophets

    1. Common mistake: to think that all prophetic ministry as either false or true.

    We incorrectly make Isaiah and Elijah the examples we should model after

    What if we made apostle Paul the stellar example for all teaching and refused to accept anyone who could not stand shoulder to shoulder to Paul?

    2. Think of NT prophets as Paul described some Christians, i.e. “spiritual, others carnal”,                    “fleshly, others worldly”. Maturity and immaturity. The immature remains so do to refusing                    correction and not repenting. Other immature Christians just need more time to mature.

    3. Spiritual mature and immature prophets, both whose character and gift are developing.

    D. False or Carnal Prophets?

    1. New Age movement, “many false prophets will appear and deceive many people.” Matt. 24:11

    2. Carnal prophets are so far a greater problem in the church than false prophets.

    E.  Recognizing False Prophets

    1. They deny Christ (Jude 4-19), anger and rejection, greed and immorality, jealousy of God’s       anointed leaders, rejection of authority, selfishness, manipulation, grumbling, flattery, empty       boasting. Description fits not only false prophets but false teachers, apostles, and elders.

    2. To identify the counterfeit with certainty:

    The counterfeit will deny the written word of God.

    The devil cannot produce the fruit of the Spirit, a false minister will be devoid of spiritual life and fruit. E.g. leading those to Christ and purity of the scripture.

    The best way to spot false anointing is with the discernment that comes from the true anointing.

    F. Open Doors for Demonic Deception

    1. Any believer can be influenced by demons.

    2. Prolonged voluntary sin in one of the following areas will give the devil a place of influence.

    Anger and unforgiveness. (Eph. 4:26-27; 2 Cor. 2:9-11)

    Lust, sexual immorality, or perversion (1 Cor. 5:5)

    Hatred and violence (Luke 9:54-56; John 8:44)

    Envy, jealousy, selfish ambition (James 3:13-18, 1 Sam. 18:8-11)

    Occult practices (Lev. 19:31; Deut. 18:9-13; Acts 16:17-18)

    Idolatry or greed (1 Cor. 10:20; Rev. 9:20; 1 Tim 6:9; Col. 3:5)

    Blasphemy (1Tim 1:20)

    3. Demonic powers have access and a chance to distort true revelatory insights if not repented of.

    G. Prophetic Contamination from Ourselves

    1. When we delight in something more than Him, our desires lead us astray. (P. 37:4, Rom. 8:5)

    Corrupt us, choke the word, making it unfruitful (Mark 4:19)

    One of the deadliest desires is the desire for prominence... makes it impossible to hear the voice of God. (John 5:37, 44)

    Sinful attitudes of fear and judgmentalism obscure revelation. (Matt. 7:3-5)

    Time spent cultivating the gift instead of intimacy with the Lord. Instead of relationship, he is perfecting a ministry. This happens with pastors, teachers and evangelists as well.

    Unconscious cultural beliefs and pressure from people affect what prophet may be saying.

    “If I were still trying to please men, I would not be a servant of Christ.” Gal. 1:10

    IX Praying, Practicing and Risking.

    A. Pray For Opportunities

    1. “You do not have, because you do not ask God.” James 4:2

    2. Ask for Him to increase specifics and accuracy of your gift

    3. Ask Him to continue to purify our character more than perfecting the gift

    Ask for Mentors

    1. Important role in development, teaching and training.

    2. Mature prophetic people are those, “…who because of practice have their senses trained to discern good and evil.” Heb. 5:14

    Faith is Spelled “Risk”

    1. We ask to get the gift= that takes faith

    2. We practice to grow in the gift = that takes discipline

    3. We risk to bless someone= that takes courage

    Prophetic Community

    1. “He who walks with the wise grows wise, but a companion of fools suffers harm.”

           Prov. 13:20

    2. “As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.” Prov. 27:17

    3. Benefit from each other’s strengths and weaknesses.

    E. Learning from Failure and Rejoicing in Rejection

    Ref: The Gift of Prophecy, The Beginner’s Guide by Dr. Jack Deer, retired pastor of Vineyard Christian Fellowship and former Associate Professor of Old Testament, Dallas Theological Seminary. Author of the following: Surprised by the Spirit, Surprised by the Voice of God,

    Why I Am Still Surprised by the Voice of God.

  • Listening Prayer: An Overview

    I God’s whole purpose and plan when He created the world was to have someone, outside the trinity with whom He could have relationship. He wanted someone to love, someone to talk to, someone to be in close community with. He longed for close relationship. Let us accept His invitation and learn to walk into that high calling and our personal destiny.

    II Using Listening Prayer
    A. To Get Specific Directions from God

    1. To get fresh wisdom & insight about life

      1. Ministry & occupation

      2. Family & relationships

    2. To do what we cannot do in our own strength & wisdom

    3. To resolve conflicts & disputes

    a. Marriage relationships & conflict resolution

    c. Write down what each thinks the Lord is saying & then share

    1. To avoid error & understanding scripture

      1. Establish a running dialogue, e.g. “What do you mean by that, Lord?”

      2. “Will you show us a scripture that pertains to these circumstances?”

    2. To Discover Gods’ specific leading for crucial events in our lives.

      1. Ask specific questions: “Which house?”, “Which job?”, “Which doctor?”, “Should I have surgery?”

      2. Listening prayer reduces fear and allows us to hear reassurance from Him

    3. To increase intimacy & dialogue with the Lord.

      1. We were created for companionship & voluntary love.

      2. I would not call you servant, I would call you friend. A servant does not know what the

        master is doing.” John 15:15

    4. To learn how to love in specific situations

      1. Listening prayer shows us how to feel loved and to give love

      2. Practical acts of kindness and generosity: Soft power encounters

    5. To discover more about counseling than we normally would know

      1. Past hurts and memories that need deep-level healing.

      2. The Holy Spirit reveals hidden sin and unforgiveness

    6. To Listen for church decision making

      1. Board and business meetings

      2. Ministerial gatherings

    7. To hear God for our continuing pleasure, wisdom and sanctification.

    III We Can Listen

    1. We Can Hear God More Than We Realize: My Sheep Know My Voice

      1. Through a “still, small voice” of our heart and mind.

      2. Through songs in our spirit.

    2. Everyone Has an Individual Style for Listening

      1. Prayer journal, tape recorder and/or pen by the bedside

      2. Established favorite and regular places for our best listening

      3. Body positions best for individual listening

    3. The Lord Cares About Big and Small Concerns 1

    D. The Lord May Repeat a Theme to You

    E. Pace, Frequency and Length of Hearing His Voice Can Vary

    1. Our response: “Teach me more, Lord”. “Please explain further”

    2. He may speak through the scripture, parable, figuratively, dreams, words of knowledge, etc.

    F. Listening Prayer Is a Developed Skill

    1. Practice helps reduce our becoming “dull of hearing” Heb 5:11

    2. Learning and practicing to clear our minds from distractions

    3. Quieting ourselves. Dial down, engage our heart, increases sensitivity

    4. Obeying is often more difficult and challenging. “If you only listen to the word and

    not will deceive yourselves.” James 1:22-25

    G. God Longs for Us to Do Things with Him

    1. Voluntary partnership with Him

    2. He wants to share with us the releasing of His plans and purposes.

    1. IV  Jesus: The Listener

      Listen to my instruction and be wise” do not ignore it. Blessed is the man who listens

      to me, watching daily at my doors.” Pro 8:33-34

      1. Jesus’ Listening Relationship to the Father

        1. “Truly, truly I say to you, the Son can do nothing of Himself unless He sees the Father doing it: for whatever the Father does, these things the Son does in like manner.” John 5:19

        2. We know Him by seeing and doing His works, by the priority we give to receiving His Word.

      2. The Words We Receive

        1. ”The words I have spoken to you are spirit and are life.” John 5:63

        2. We must hear them ourselves at the heart-level first, in order to meditate and then obey.

      3. My Sheep Hear My Voice- John 10:27

        1. Sensitive listening is essential if we are to walk in purity, power and love.

        2. Intimacy comes through listening and speaking our love back to Him, more than doing.

    2. V  Recognizing the Voice We Hear

    A. How to Discern God’s Voice

    1. How do we know it is God speaking?
    a. E.g. Some may say, “I just know in my knower.” c. He built into us the capacity to hear His voice.

    2. God’s voice is quieting, soothing, not demanding, always aligns with scripture.

    B. How to Recognize Which Voice You Are Hearing- 3 Types

    1. God’s Voice- Father, Jesus, Holy Spirit

      1. His character and His name will assure us and build confidence in His love

      2. His motive is to be a friend and to build relationship with us

      3. How you feel when you hear

        1. Rested and peaceful, comforted, special, empowered by His kindness and gentleness.

        2. Sounds unpretentious- We may fail to recognize easily at first

        3. Still and quiet within us- sounding much like we talk

        4. Because He wants us to understand Him. He speaks “my language”. Sounds like us.

    2. Satan’s voice and evil spirits

      1. His character: The adversary, the evil one, spoiler, liar, thief

      2. His motive: Devil wants to destroy relationship with the Father and others.

      3. How do you feel when hearing him

        1. Hypnotic pull towards evil intention, mesmerized, confused, stuck

        2. Sounds glittery with garnish, sense of having lost your will

        3. Feeling you can’t stop; quick, rash decisions, anxiety, pressure

      4. Tactics: Tries to make us uncomfortable about going to God in prayer 2

    1. Tries to make us distrustful of God and others.

    2. Speaks unforgiveness toward God and others

    3. The self-talk voice: The voice of our flesh

    1. Character: Sounds positive; “Pull yourself up by your boot straps”, but this voice speaks

      from insecurity.

      1. Echoes teachings, values and standards of this world

      2. Self-talk is driven by need to be accepted and acceptable

      3. Pre-occupied with self-evaluation, “I am worse than...”, “I am better than”...

      4. Critical voice can be turned outward; disparaging and wounding others.

    2. Motive: We mistakenly think it motivates us but instead it causes us to focus on ourself.

    3. How do you feel: Demoralized and insecure; “Just get over it.”

      1. Drives you to judge yourself inaccurately

      2. Mood swings and feeling we must remain on the “treadwheel”

    4. Critical self-talk must be replaced with what God says is true about you

    5. Praise and worship defeat negative self-talk

    C. Ways to Pray That Help Hearing God

    1. Choose to believe that God is already talking to you

    2. Deliberately choose to shut down all voices other than God’s

      1. He will speak thru the up the bible

      2. Ask Him to assure and strengthen you as you practice listening

      3. His voice calms you, makes you feel good about yourself

      4. His voice stretches & challenges us...asks us to go beyond all that we have risked before

      5. He reassures you He is with you and for you.

    3. Try to eliminate word “Please”, if it connotes an unbelieving kind of “begging God”

    4. Use short simple sentences

    a. b. c. d.

    5. If a. b.

    “Why Lord?”, “I don’t understand”, speak slowly and then wait.
    “Lord, talk to me through your word”; “I love you Lord.”
    Meditate on the Word as He is speaking it to you. “I will pray with my mind also...” The more you ask questions, the more you will receive His thoughts

    you begin having difficulty praying
    “Lord, I need the Holy Spirit to pray for me”, “Jesus, go before the throne on my behalf.” If you are under attack, “Jesus help!.. I can’t hear you.”, “Lord teach me.”

    6. Learn to know the character of God

    1. Best way to learn to know His voice is to see what He says about Himself in scripture.

    2. This is the voice of a jealous God who is lovesick for relationship and relentlessly pursues

      you in your weakness to make you His bridegroom.

    VI Blocks Against Hearing God

    1. Block #1: Saying, “I don’t know”. We are not accustomed to hearing.

      1. If we cannot explain what our mind perceives, doesn’t mean we don’t know hear from Him.

      2. Often we don’t ponder fully on our perceptions long enough to discern

      3. But “ have an anointing from the Holy One and know all things.” 1Jn2:20

      4. Saying “I don’t know tells our mind to stop seeking the Word in our spirits.

    2. Block #2: Talking. Would you rather hear Him talk or listen to yourself?

      1. We keep ourselves from hearing when we do most of, or all of the talking.

      2. How are we to hear if we do not listen?

      3. “Be still and know that I am God” Ps 46:10

      4. Solomon asked for “Wisdom”: translated as “a hearing heart”

    3. Block #3: Impatience. “...Those who wait upon the Lord, shall renew their strength...”

    1. Often, we do not hear because we do not wait to listen


    2. It takes practice and a sincere hunger to wait in His presence for any length of time. Moses waited 6 days to hear on the mount...Ex 24:16

    1. Block #4: Rushing To Conclusions

      1. After hearing we may be motivated to immediate action

      2. We may miss hearing God’s full counsel and directions

    2. Block #5: Asking the Wrong Questions

      1. Prayers may be self-centered rather than, “God, what are you doing?”

      2. We want to honor God more than to get our next assignment.

    3. Block #6: Crediting My Own Mind for His Voice

      1. He is always giving words, ideas and plans to us. Receiving them is what enables our conversation with Him.

      2. God’s voice often comes to us as spontaneous thoughts feelings and impressions.

      3. Say “Thank you for that idea”, and engage Him in conversation.

      4. God’s preferred way is conversation instead of just pronouncements or declarations.

    4. Block #7: Fear. His Love Will Cast Out All Fears

      1. We can’t allow pride or fears for our reputation, keep us from listening

      2. Fear of persecution from other Christians.

      3. Afraid God will demand I do something I don’t want too do

      4. Afraid He would ask me to do things I couldn’t

      5. Afraid He would not talk to me

      6. Afraid I would hear incorrectly

      7. When in fear, we need to press thru to come into His presence and say, “Here I am Lord”

    5. Practice Listening

      1. Listen both for important and simple things

      2. Practice so you can recognize His voice like a friend

      3. Relationship comes thru conversation

      4. He wants to guide us with His voice and eye. (Ps 32:8)

      5. His desire is to walk & instruct like He did with those in scripture

      6. The goal of listening is intimacy, relationship and love from a pure heart.

    VII More Blocks To Hearing







    E. F.


    We Don’t Know How to Spend Time with Him

    1. We may be always be in the working mode to do something

    2. Jesus is a friend is one we can relax around

    3. “Just be with Me”, “I delight in you”, “You are precious to me”

    We Think Prayer Is Monologue Instead of Dialogue
    1. If we are not taught that God might want to speak to us, we most likely will not expect Him to We Really Don’t Trust God



    I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord”...”plans for welfare and not calamity give you a future and a hope.”Jer 29:11

    “Know therefore that the Lord your God...who keeps His covenant and His loving kindness all generations.”

    Satan Will Try Every Trick To:

    1. Keep us from listening and unengaged with the Holy Spirit. 2. “Yeah, but...”, “What if...”, “That couldn’t be possible” Listening May Be Uncomfortable At First
    Afraid of Misunderstanding Him

    1. We may confuse our thoughts with His words.

    2. We may feel we do not comprehend

    A Divided Heart Will Be Hard to Hear His Voice


    I. His Voice is Unlike Our Earthly Fathers’

    1. His voice is not insensitive, passive or inconsistent

    2. His voice is easy to approach

    VIII Sin: Keeps Us From Listening

    1. We Don’t Turn to Him to Meet Our Needs

      1. In our hearts we may not believe God is loving, kind and gentle.

      2. We feel our needs and desires are not legitimate

      3. We don’t believe we deserve to have our needs met

    2. How Do You Meet Your Needs?

      1. Legitimate need for protection and provision

      2. Legitimate need for love, comfort and companionship

      3. We need healing, consolation and spiritual pleasure

    3. Addiction and Idolatry

      1. Bondage and misplaced focus

      2. Illegitimate needs to cover up pain, wounds and hurt

    4. Sin Will Demand We Work Hard to Earn Love by Self-Effort

    1. Our Lives become a taskmaster and religious.

    1. Allow God to Meet the Needs

    2. God’s Desire is to Replace Destructive Forces with What Satisfies

      1. Repentance: Lead person in confession and repentance

      2. Guilt: Comes from what we do

        1. We punish ourselves and others to escape the guilt

        2. We can direct them to give their guilt to Jesus

      3. Shame: Comes from who we feel we are. Shame cannot be confessed or repented of.

        1. The cross takes all shame...”You are bad and worthless”

        2. We agree with God about who He says we are in Christ

      4. Listening Prayer Sample Questions:

        1. “Is she guilty, Lord?”, “Lord, when you look at her what do you see?”

        2. “Did she cause this abuse?”, “What do you want us to know about this?”

      5. Sin Separates

        1. Self-Protection as a defense, “Lord, are you my protector?”

        2. Difficulty trusting the Lord, “Lord, can we trust you?”

      6. Truth: Path to health and wholeness

    a. b. c.

    “Did I sin?”, “Is this sin, Lord?”
    Victims are not guilty for sin done against them Victims can respond with hatred, bitterness and revenge

    7. Satan’s tactics that keep us separated from God a. Wants to keep sin hidden and secret
    b. False guilt: Attempt to feel guilty or shame

    1. Others may heap condemnation on us. Project their guilt to others.

    2. May take others’ burdens of guilt or shame on themselves.

    3. “Lord, am I guilty?”, “Jesus, did I do anything to cause this to happen?”

    8. Confession: In the name of Jesus, “You are forgiven for your sin. God forgives you and so do we.”

    1. Okay to take communion if opportunity allows

    2. Pronounce forgiveness because of His blood at the Cross.

    IX Counseling With Listening Prayer
    A. Prayer in Everyday Personal and Corporate Life

    1. Teams: “If two or more of you agree on shall be done..” Mt 18:19-20 a. Teams help prevent client attachment, i.e. transference


    1. All prayer team members together, help solve problem with different gifting.

    2. Husband and wife teams, home groups / smallgroups, healing prayer, soaking prayer, etc.

    2. Listening Prayer Involves Asking Questions of the Lord

    1. Leader and intercessors as directed, are asking a line of questions as others are praying

    2. Can write down God’s response to questions and give to counselee for reference

    B. Core Beliefs of Listening Prayer

    1. The Lord desires us to inquire of Him

      1. Ask, seek and knock. We have not because we do not ask.

      2. He wants to answer us. “Give ear to my prayer oh Lord” Ps 55

    2. Goal is to train people (counselees) to hear God’s still small voice.

      1. More important that counselees hear the Lord for themselves than it is for us to hear for them

      2. God has access to their hearts and minds if they listen and hear

      3. They are not dependent on prayer team. They have learned to come to Him for themselves

    3. Being silent before the Lord: Contemplative Prayer

      1. Important to wait, listening: “My soul waits in silence for God only, from Him is my salvation”

      2. Quietness helps reduce excessive talking/discussion

    4. Ask the Lord to identify root causes: Trace the fruit to the root

      1. Look beyond present-day issues and problems to the root beliefs

      2. Root beliefs underlie the ways we think and react to sinful acts against us

      3. See to it that no one comes short of the grace of God; that no root of bitterness springs up

        causing trouble, and by it many are defiled.” Heb 12:15

    5. Changes in behavior originate in our hearts and spirits.

    6. It is repentance that produces change

      1. “Change comes when the heart changes.” Dr. Billy Graham

      2. Confession and regret is not the same as repentance

      3. Most effective prayer session includes some form of repentance

    7. Necessary for healing: that truth be known and faced

      1. Guilt and shame make us want to hide

      2. Wholeness comes when we pursue truth about others and ourselves from His heart.

    8. People change as they see and hear Jesus. “My ears have heard you but now I see you.” Job 42:5

      1. Best approach is for counselee to spend time with Jesus in worship, prayer and devotions.

      2. If we only sit and listen...we have accomplished our job and ministry

    C. A Typical Listening Prayer Session: Our ministry as prayer counselors is to assure the person
    that Jesus will speak if we listen. Most people feel God will not respond due to their paradigm.

    1. We stand on the word of God that He hears us and “Where two or three gather in My name, there am I in the midst.” Matt. 18:20

    2. We say, “God’s word assures us He will come.”

    3. We calm their fear by speaking truth. The sheep know His voice.

    4. We pray to bind our own thoughts and thinking...we are taking every thought captive. 2 Corn 10:4

    5. Ask the Holy Spirit to give us ability to discern God’s voice.

    6. Assure the person God loves to give good gifts

      1. He will speak His love and security to them

      2. It will set them free and comfort them

      3. “Humble people put their confidence in the Holy Spirit’s ability to hear and in Christ’s ability

        to lead, not in their ability to follow.” Jack Deere, pastor and author

    7. We approach the Lord by asking questions:

      1. “What is it you want to ask the Lord?”

      2. Help them formulate a short succinct sentence or two. Most people get too detailed describing

        their problems.

      3. Work on one thing at a time instead of a “laundry list” of complaints.

      4. Ask the Lord to choose which one He wishes to work on.




    1. 2. 3.

    about 4. 5.


    7. that

    8. 9. 10.

    We address most of our questions to God, rather than to the counselee.
    We try to get the bulk of our answers from God rather than from the counselee’s thoughts. Rather than relying on what the counselee remembers, we ask the Lord what He remembers

    what happen.
    We allow God to comfort our counselee more than we try to give our own comfort to them. We allow God to defend Himself if the counselee has misconceptions about Him or His Word,

    if they are angry about what they think about God.
    Try to let God advise and counsel, more than we attempt to guide, give words and/or counsel. Ask the Lord where He wants to begin the healing rather than assuming the problem is the one

    the counselee wants to address first.
    We are not afraid of silences; waiting on the Lord takes time. He is readying our hearts to hear Him. If we get a word, scripture, impression or a picture from the Lord, we ask Him if it is time to share it. Try to stay in the background and simply assist in the listening process. We want the

    counselee’s focus to be on the Lord rather that on us.

    1. Help them to recognize their blocks to hearing

      1. Past pain, guilt and shame that is hidden in their locked “closet”.

      2. Unbelief: “I’ve prayed about this and nothing happened”

      3. “What is the block, Lord?”. “I search the heart, I test the mind...” Jer 17:10

    2. Emphasize Jesus is the Counselor and Healer

      1. When people ask questions of us, we turn that question over to Him

      2. Avoid referring to your self as a counselor. Okay to refer them to professional counselor.

    3. Address God by one of the names used for Himself in the Word

      1. “Lord, she is grieving over the loss of her son. Would you speak to her that you are the


      2. This build confidence in His ability to minister to them at the heart level.

    4. Written Record

      1. Written notes are helpful for person to take home to review and deepen their understanding.

      2. Avoids enemy stealing seed that was planted. Helps retain the Word in their heart.

    D. Summary of Listening Prayer Procedure

    Listening Prayer Questions: We continue to share our most intimate thoughts and feelings, worries and questions with Him, however we are more willing to wait to hear what He might say to us in return.

    1. Questions to Start Your Day

      1. “...What would you like to say to me today?”

      2. “...What was that dream about?”

      3. “...Do you have any instructions for me?”, “I’m tired today, what would you say to me?”

    2. Questions About Personal Devotion Time

      1. “...Do you want me to read a particular scripture?”

      2. “I am having a hard time hearing ...are there any blocks?"

      3. “What did you mean in this passage?”, “What are your suggestions and my motive?”

    3. Questions For Direction

      1. “What are you doing?”, “What have you called me to?

      2. “...How can I be faithful in this circumstance?”, “What is your will in this situation?”

    4. Questions for Loneliness or Pain

      1. “Lord, where are you?”

      2. “How do you want to bring healing to this?”

      3. “How can I keep my heart softened?”

    5. Questions for a Counseling Session: Address Most Questions To the Lord 1. Starting a Session: “For everyone who asks, receives...” Matt. 7:7-8

      1. “Has there been a recurring theme or issue that the Lord has been working on?

      2. “Lord, (name) has this problem...How do you want to fix it”

      2. Let God choose the issue


    1. “Lord, which one of these issues do you want to start with?

    2. “Lord, the last time we felt more work was this where you want us to start?”

    1. Keep your eyes open: This gives clues to what He is doing

      1. When the Lord speaks to them, a visible countenance lights up their face

      2. A slight fluttering of the eyelids often indicates the Lord has begun to speak to them

      3. Hardness of heart produces darkness on the face. Shaking the head in disagreement

      4. Confusion registers on the face. “What is the block or misunderstanding?”

    2. Wait for an answer: Let God have a chance

      1. Avoid rushing ahead. Wait until hearts are tenderized & ready for His answer.

      2. Much is happening even if it doesn’t appear so. “Be still and know that I am God.”

      3. In our stillness we finally begin to discipline our wayward thoughts so that we can be sensitive

        to the “still, small quiet voice”.

      4. Okay to ask, “What are you hearing? "Are you seeing or sensing anything?” “What’s happening”

      5. “What are you feeling?” “What are you thinking?”, “What is God showing you?

      6. They begin to recognize the Lord’s voice comes to them from a different arena of their emotions.

    1. If

      1. Simply ask “Is that you Lord?”, Jesus will confirm His voice if we ask Him.

      2. Remind that as Christians, we are all sheep and we can indeed hear the voice of the Shepard

    2. Address most questions to the Lord

    3. Goal is relational heart questions

      1. Versus, “Yes or No” response to questions

      2. He wants to dialogue and enjoys the time to converse

    4. Let Holy Spirit Guide questions

      1. A good question cuts to the heart of the matter and is usually inspired by the Holy Spirit

      2. Natural curiosity questions are okay. “How come, Lord?” “Why?”

      3. “Lord, what are you saying?” “Tell us more, Lord”, “Why did you show us this?”

    5. If the question is too personal or incorrect timing, He may quietly reply, “You don’t need to know.”

    F. God Tests How Much We Really Want to Know

    1. Lord will often give one word or picture at a time

    2. This test will see if we want to pursue Him more

    3. He reveals more if we say, “Lord, I give you permission to show me what I need to know”

    4. Learning to listen to God is a kind of test to see if the counselee truly wants to be set free.

    5. Communicate to the counselee, if the Lord reveals something. He is really inviting us to ask

      more questions to get more understanding.

    G. Stuck and Unable To Hear: Blocks to hearing are usually on the side of the listener.

    1. “What is the block, Lord”...usually reveals the problem

    1. Sometimes block is self-confidence, sin or hidden resentment directed at God?

    2. Person may fear if they listen, God will point out their sin

    4. “If I listen, He will make me give up my anger at my husband, and I need that to feel safe”

    H. Memories: Healing of Past Hurts

    1. “Lord, what is the root issue?”

    1. “Why did you bring this up?”

    2. “What importance does this have?”

    3. “What happened back then which is still affecting (him or her name) today?”

    2. The person should be comforted that God welcomes their cries of hurt, pain and frustration

    1. There is healing in acknowledging and expressing feelings to the Lord. Memories evoke emotions.

    2. “Lord, were you there and how did you feel about what was happening to (name)?” When they

      discover His strong feelings about their pain, it brings significant healing.

    I. Stuck In Pain: Move Past Merely Reliving the Hurt

    1. “Lord, what do you want to do about the pain this memory is causing?”

    2. “Jesus, how do you want to bear this pain?”

    a person has difficulty believing he is hearing from God:


    3. “Lord, how does (name) give this pain to you?”








    P. Q. R.

    Inner Vows: “I will never let this happen to me again.”
    1. “Lord, were You there?” “Did (name) make any vow in this situation which is affecting her today?” 2. “Lord, what effect did this vow have on her life?”

    Unforgiveness, Self-Hate or Blame

    1. “Lord, what is (name) unforgiveness doing to her?”

    2. “What is blocking her ability to forgive?”

    3. “Lord, why does (name) feel hate toward herself?” “Do you consider her bad?”

    Inability to Trust and Bitter Root Judgments

    1. 2. 3.

    4. 5.

    “God, why didn’t you stop this?” “All men are terrible, you can’t trust them.”
    “Lord, how do you want to help her learn to trust again?”
    People with bitter-root judgments may say, “I don’t know why I keep ending up with men who

    abuse me?”
    “Lord, did (name) make a judgment which is affecting his life today?
    If the memory is producing good fruit, then sufficient healing has occurred. If negative fruit

    bitterness, fear, rage, compulsive behavior; then more healing prayer sessions will be needed. Key Events: Most people have 5 or 6 painful life events

    1. These result in deep level problems

    2. “Lord, where were you when this was happening & why didn’t you stop it?”

    3. He will say He was there and describe He took blows of abuse as well. He will explain persons’

      free will & voluntary love and therefore was prevented from intervening.

    4. The Lord brings healing to the traumatic event

    Blocked Memories: Listening prayer model is not a struggle to reveal blocked memory

    1. With counselee’s permission, we can ask the Lord what happened

    2. He was there, He knows about it, He remembers

    3. “What does (name) need to know about those things necessary for his healing?”

    Question for Specific Counseling Issues

    1. Ask about results of prayer session

      1. Results are not always possible to measure

      2. Results may be slow or instantaneous

    2. “Lord, what happened when we prayed?”

    Recurring Negative Behavior or Inaccurate Thinking

    1. “Lord, what is at the root of this behavior problem?” “Is this a deeper issue?”

    2. “Let’s ask the Lord what is that true, Lord?”

    Poor Self-Esteem or Identity Problem

    1. “Lord, (name) is you son, what do you see when you look at him?”

    2. “Lord, has (name) been believing lies about himself?”

    Don’t Assume, Keep Asking: Moving in small increments until picture unfolds

    XI Session Preparation

    1. Pre-Session Work and Prayer

      1. Invite Lord’s presence and pray throughout the meeting facility

      2. Soften heart and attitude of faith upon counselee

    2. During the Session: Rely on the Holy Spirit to Reveal the Questions

      1. Most people are not accustomed to God speaking to their spirit, merely thinking it is their thoughts.

      2. Our job is to help them become aware of His many ways of communicating with them.

      3. If person only believes He speaks thru scripture, then ask the following:

    a. “What was on your mind when you woke up this morning?” 9

    1. “Did you have any thoughts about God?”

    2. “Have you had scripture occur to you over and over?”

    3. “Do you feel God is trying to communicate with you thru the Holy Spirit?”

    C. Ways of Hearing: Visual, Auditory, and Kinesthetic learners
    1. Some people are intuitive and have visions/dreams/revelations

    a. Natural born hearers of God

    b. “What are you sensing”, “What are you feeling?

    1. Those may be more analytical in their thinking have more difficulty listening

      1. They seem to trust their own comprehension

      2. Black and White. Move them from their head to their heart

      3. “Listen from your gut”, may help them get in touch

      4. “What is going on in your mind?” “What popped up?”

    2. Those visually orientated

      1. “What do you see?”

      2. “What pictures came to mind?”

    3. Those auditory orientated: “What did you hear?”

    4. Those Kinesthetic orientated

    a. “What are you feeling?”

    1. Use Age Appropriate Questions: The Lord speaks more to the spirit that to the mind

      1. Children and adults can both hear in their spirits

      2. With children, speak as if they do hear the Lord

        1. This may test us to see if we take them seriously

        2. Better relate to Jesus than to Holy Spirit

        3. May not understand the term “Lord”

      3. Remain in the speaking vernacular of the age level until Jesus heals the memory at that age.

    2. Determine Which Person of The Trinity to Address

      1. Most are more comfortable addressing Jesus

      2. Be sensitive that some may have had abusive fathers

    3. Address Lord By His Titles

      1. “Lord, you are Redeemer, how do you want to redeem this situation?”

      2. “Lord, you call yourself Comforter...”

      3. “Lord, you are the great Physician”, “How do you want to bring healing?”

    4. Get The Lords Perspective On An Event:
      Helps Eliminate Redundant and Lengthy Rehearsing by Person

      1. What will help the person is what the Lord thinks about the event

      2. “I didn’t ask you what happen, I asked the Lord.” with gentleness. “Lord, Thy Gentleness has

        made me great” Ps 19

      3. He was there with them; He bore the pain with and for them. He now wants to complete the healing

    5. Questions To End A Session: Is there anything more you would like to do Lord?”

      1. Counselee may feel or sense we are done for the day.

      2. He that has begun a good work will complete it

      3. Holy Spirit makes it clear to both that counselee no longer needs weekly sessions

    6. Teach and Encourage Counselee to Ask their Own Questions

      1. Goal is to work ourselves out of a job

      2. It is awesome to see a person maturing in listening prayer; hearing His voice by the Holy Spirit.

      3. Affirm their ability to hear the Lord. The goal of our instruction is love from a pure heart.

      4. Move to having counselee get into the habit of asking the Lord their own personal questions.

    Reference Material: Listening Prayer by Dave and Linda Olsen, 1996 Rev May, 1997
    • Dave and Linda Olsen, Listening Prayer: My Sheep Hear My Voice
    (Required reading: Fuller School of World Mission: MO512: Deep Level Healing Practicum; Janice Strength, Assistant Professor of Marital and Family Therapy. Winter 2003 Pasadena)

  • Hearing and Responding to Gods’ Voice I Learning How God Reveals: Bringing Freedom by Revelation of His Affections

    A. The Meaning of Revelation: Making Known to Us Without Our Natural Senses

    1. Walking in unexplained realms of receiving pictures, vision, “knowing in our spirit”

      1. Answering a question, you did not know to ask.

      2. Varies in clarity, delivery, and intensity.

    2. "The hand of the Lord was upon me” or “The Lord spoke to me with his strong hand upon

      me”, means the message pressed into his soul and greater power. Ezek. 3:22, Isa. 8:11.

    3. Less certainty of “God said” is, “It seemed good to the Holy Spirit and to us...”Acts 15:28.

      1. Wise to indicate our level of certainty is a sign of maturity.

      2. “I believe this is what I’m hearing or seeing...”

    B. The Means of Revelation: Primary Way Though the Written Word, i.e. Bible Scripture.

    1. Appearances of the Lord, i.e. The Son of God (John 1:14-18)

      1. Appeared to his friends and occasional enemy. (Gen. 20:3)

      2. Dream or vision, physical form (Gen. 18:1), an angel (Ex. 3:2).

      3. Wrapped in His glory, moments of crisis, turning points of history, moments of rebellion to

        warn or judge.

    2. Angels: Ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation. (Heb. 1:14)

      1. Protect us, deliver us, bring messages to us from heaven. Escort us to heaven (Luke 16:22)

      2. May appear in their glory or human form. May perform service without hint of presence.

      3. Often prophets see them when others cannot. (2 Kings 6:1515-17)

    3. Audible Voice: God spoke in audible voice to individuals (Moses), crowds and nations.

    a. Rarest form in the bible of how God speaks. (Num. 12-6-8). Comes at moments of crisis or

    need for affirmation, e.g., baptism, before the cross, conversion of Paul.
    b. General rule: There is a price for clarity...the clearer the revelation, the more difficult to

    fulfill the revelation. Clarity meant to overcome doubt in midst of trails that follow.

    1. Audible Only to Your Ears: No one else does. E.g. Samuel heard his name, Eli didn’t. “Speak

      Lord, for your servant is listening.” 1Sam. 3:1-14.

    2. The Internal, Audible Voice: Hear with your mind. “The word of the Lord came to me

      saying...” “The word of the Lord came.” Ezekiel 14:1. Usually involves something of


    3. Sentence Fragments: May speak of a word which is clear but the interpretation is not. It is

      the glory of God to conceal a matter, but the glory of king’s is to search out a matter.”

    4. A Knowing: Divine revelation you simply know. Jesus knew thoughts and plans. Matt 22:18,

      Mark 2:8, John 6:15. He knows our hearts and reveals the secrets of our hearts.

    5. Impressions: Less certain than inner knowings. A feeling that something is so. Nehemiah

      followed a feeling in his heart, not an audible voice or word. So, my God put it into my heart

      to assemble the nobles...” (Neh. 7:5).

    6. Dreams and Visions: “For God may speak in one way or another, yet man does not perceive

      it. In a dream, in a vision of the night when deep sleep falls upon men, while slumbering on their beds, Then He opens the ears of men, and seals their instruction. In order to turn man from his deed...” Job 33:14-16

      1. Dreams are used to speak to us when our defenses are down and we’re more receptive.

      2. Visions normally occur while we are awake.

      3. In the last days, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will

        prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams.” Acts 2:17-18 1

    II Discerning God’s Voice

    1. Four Tests: Preliminary Foundations for Discerning

      1. The Bible: “The scripture cannot be broken.” John 10:35

      2. The Character of the Lord’s voice. Peace, hope, encouragement, comfort, affection

      3. The Fruit of the inner voice. Fruit of the Spirit. Phil 4:8

      4. The Content of His voice. “For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways

      My ways...My ways are higher that your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts.”

    2. Embracing Our Weakness: The Human Heart Tries to Use the Four Tests for Its Own Benefit.

      1. God places a remarkable gift in a plain earthen vessel so people would not be tempted to give us the glory He deserves.

      2. God chooses the times of anointing. We need to embrace our times of deserted anointing and embarrassment...our thorn in the flesh with humility.

    3. The Humble Heart: The Power of Christ Rests On Those Who Embrace Their Weakness. (2Cor. 12:9)

      1. The humble heart and understand the voice of God. E.g. Moses was, “...more humble than anyone else on the face of the earth.” (Num. 12:3-8). Humility is the pathway to intimacy.

      2. Humility is not the denial of our attributes. It is believing in our hearts that our best qualities are not good enough to deserve God’s attention.

    4. The Desert: For Those Greatly Used by God, Humility Is Almost Always Acquired in The Desert.

      1. The desert is used to bring prophetic ministers to a place of dependence and gratitude.

      2. The greater the prophetic gifting, the greater and more severe the time in the desert to deal

        with personal and prophetic pride. Humility is imparted and promotion is on the way.

      3. John the Baptist said of Jesus, “He must increase and I must become less.” He learned that in

        the desert.

    5. God is Still Using the Desert

      1. Voluntary partnership with Him.

      2. He wants to share with us the releasing of His plans and purposes.

    III Understanding Gods’ Meaning: When We Are Willing to Risk Looking Foolish for The Lord, His Mercy Redeems Our Mistakes.

    Listen to my instruction and be wise” do not ignore it. Blessed is the man who listens to me, watching daily at my doors.” Pro 8:33-34

    1. Revelation, Interpretation, and Application

      Truly, Truly I say to you, the Son can do nothing of Himself unless He sees the Father doing it: for whatever the Father does, these things the Son does in like manner.”

      John 5:19

      1. Revelation (what is said) is the message of God through the scripture, dream, impression, etc.

      2. We can have true revelation and give it the wrong interpretation.

      3. We can have true revelation, a true interpretation, and a wrong application.

      4. All three need to be correct to benefit others.

      1. Guidelines: Ask the Lord what the word means applied to the person. Okay to ask the person to help with interpretation, i.e. “Do those words mean anything to you?”

      2. Luke and Agabus urged Paul not to go to Jerusalem and be imprisoned. Paul went anyway. (Act 21:10-14). The revelation was true, but Paul and his companions came up with two contradictory applications of the revelation.

    2. Write it Down:” The words I have spoken to you are Spirit and are Life.” John 5:63 2

    1. Daniel wrote down his visions and dreams immediately. (Dan 7:1). We cannot interpret what we cannot remember

    2. We must hear them ourselves first to meditate and then obey.

    C. The Role of the Heart: Sensitive Heart Listening Is Essential If We Are to Walk In Power.

    1. He allows failures to tenderize our hearts to walk in humility

    2. Knowledge puffs up. (1 Cor. 8:1). No one is immune from pride of knowledge.

    3. To help us die to the pleasure of self-exaltation He occasionally allows embarrassment.

    4. Engineered embarrassment by God is not a sign of His irritation, but His love to impart

      humility. It is the humble, not the smart, that God guides and teaches. (Ps. 25:9)

    5. The key to interpreting all forms of divine revelation is found in the heart, not in the mind.

      Because of the condition of their hearts the religious leaders could not hear God’s voice. (John


    D. Willing to Obey: If any man is willing to do His will, he shall know of the teaching, whether it is of God, or whether I speak from Myself” John 7:17

    1. 2. 3. 4.

    Humble people want to obey God, even when obedience is painful.

    Why should He speak to us if He knows we have no intention of obeying him.
    He longs for those He can share His secrets. (Gen. 18:17).
    Friendship with God: This is the goal of prophetic ministry...affectionate burning desire.

    IV God-Centered, Scripture Based, Spirit-Led Listening Principles:

    1. Prayer: “Call to Me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do

      not know.” Jer. 33:3

      1. Be Still:

        1. Focus my spirit, mind, will and emotions on Jesus.

        2. Lay my requests before the Lord.

        3. Ask Him to open the eyes of my heart to see, hear, feel Him & His emotions.

        4. Then begin to worship and invite the Holy Spirit to come with His presence.

      2. Look to see:

        1. Wait for Scriptures, impressions, pictures, or thoughts to arise from my spirit.

        2. If we do not understand something, ask ‘show me more’ and greater clarity.

    2. Listen to Hear: Humble people pray.

    a. b. C.

    “Lord, what do you want me to hear about...” Ask the Lord questions, then wait for His reply.

    We fail to understand revelation because we do not ask God to reveal.

    C. Feel His Emotions

    1. Wait for His emotions to reveal heart issues, areas of concern for others or sensations that can minister to felt needs.

    2. Ask God for His purpose behind what He is revealing.

    1. Pray and Write in a Prayer Journal

      1. Write down thoughts, scripture, and other issues He communicates.

      2. Continue to pray through the Prayer Journal entries until He responds.

    2. Test Everything You Hear & See

    a. b. c.

    Does Scripture backup all things you have received?
    Do those things come to pass and bear good fruit.
    Does leadership and the Body of Christ provide accountability as needed for those things

    intended to edify, exhort, or comfort the Body of Christ?

  • Praying the Scripture: An Overview



      1. Bible study is meant to lead us into conversation with God by giving us prayer language to blend the written Word together with our conversations with Him...simply speaking the Word back to Him in prayer.

      2. Jesus said, “My Words are spirit...and life.” “You study the Scriptures diligently because in them you think you have eternal life; these are the very scriptures that testify about Me, however you refuse to come to Me (i.e. talk to Me in prayer) to have life.” (Jn. 5:39-40)

      3. Jesus called us to abide in Him: Praying the Word means we are in joint partnership with Him.

        “He who abides in Me (i.e. talks to Me), and I in him (i.e. I abide or talk to you), bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing...If you abide in Me (i.e. talks to Me), and My words abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you.”

        (Jn. 15:5-7)

        The foundation of this lifestyle means talking and praying to Him as we speak the scripture back to Him. Our spiritual growth is not based solely on more ‘knowledge’ of God’s is based more on the application of the knowledge we have of God’s words. If we pray His words back to Him; the power of the written Word goes deep into our spirit, abides there... and changes us over matter how long it takes.

      4. Spend time in God’s presence pondering the Word as you listen for Him to give you understanding. In addition, take time to specifically ask the Lord to empower your heart to obey the passages. Try to write down your thoughts and prayers as you pray through Scripture. This helps us develop a deeper understanding and imparts power to transform us from
        glory to greater glory in Christlikeness.

      5. The following suggestions are helpful as we read through the Scripture and follow up by praying the Bible passages back to God. This will help us at ARISE to align our hearts with His, and to receive from Him the power and truth of the Father’s purpose for us, transforming us into His image.


    A. Try praying scriptures that help you “to believe” in the glory of God and the transforming promises of His Word. Jesus said, “How can you believe, when you receive glory from one another instead of the glory from the only God?” (John 5:44).

    Pray Scriptures that declare Gods’ glory, kindness, His mercy, willingness to forgive as He changes us from glory to He leads us, heals us, protects & provides for us. When we read a specific portion of scripture, we turn the words of scripture into personal prayer requests.


    For example from Colossians 3:12 we can pray:
    “Thank you Jesus that You have called me to put on tender mercies... you have asked me to

    put on a heart of kindness... You continue to show me how to walk humbly before you when I feel prideful... to have a heart that is increasing in meekness and embracing long suffering when I feel weak and broken during seasons of testing.”
    Or pray something along these lines: “Lord, thank you for being patient with me as I learn how to love the way You love...loving the Father and others... I want to feel the Fathers’ love for You the same way that You feel His love for You.” (John 17:26)

    Example: We ask God to impart the specific truths of scripture deep within us. We can pray for a release of , “...the spirit of wisdom and revelation, in the knowledge of Him.” (Eph. 1:17). “Father, I pray You would impart to me wisdom to understand the deep things of Your heart toward others...that I would have a clear revelation of how to love weak, broken people at a deeper level...that You are... “the Lord that exercises kindness, justice and righteousness on the earth.” (Jeremiah 9:24)... “Lord, teach me how to walk in kindness and justice toward others, that expands Your kingdom of righteousness on the earth.”

    We can feel God’s pleasure by praying the actual scripture from His Word that help us to believe and mature unto Christlikeness...praying the Word until the Word becomes part of us!

    B. Pray Scriptures that encourages us “to obey” God’s Word. Jesus said, “...if you love Me...then you will obey My commandments”. Spend time praying for the heart attitude to voluntarily obey this passage. Prayer resolutions that agree with scripture to obey are a powerful way to strengthen our hearts during seasons of weakness and feels good when we know that we are pleasing Him at the heart-level.

    Example: Pray Scriptures that help us voluntarily conform into His image through acts of our love-based obedience. He enjoys seeing us walk in greater purity, more power and more love as He uses us to express His glory on the earth.

    The knowledge and glory of the Lord will cover the earth as the waters cover the sea.” Habakkuk 2:14

    We enjoy our time with God by praying scriptural truths back to Him that exhort us to obey His Word.

    First, we commit ourselves to obey God in the specific ways revealed in many biblical passages. Make a commitment to say “Yes” to obey the Word as you read passages about obedience...

    Example: You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart...” Mt. 22:37. Pray something like: Lord, I want to be strengthened in confidence and tenderness so I can voluntarily love and obey You with all my heart.”

    Second, we ask God to impart grace to obey specific truths seen in Scripture. Ask Him for help to give you wisdom, focus, and power to obey during times of temptation. For example, pray: “Father, help me to love You with a holy let no unwholesome word proceed from my use my time and resources at ARISE Central Coast by un-compromising, voluntary love-based obedience.”


    Example: “Father, lead me away from temptation...” (Mt. 6:13), or “deliver me from the works of the evil one...” (Jn. 17:15).


    Jesus promises to reveal the Father’s tender mercy to us as the way to perfect love in us for is God showing us how to love God. We will be strengthened in our spirit if we regularly pray His Word back to Him.

    Sample verse: I (Jesus) have declared to them Your name (Fathers’), and will declare it, that the love with which You loved Me may be in them, and I in them.” (Jn. 17:26)

    Example: “Jesus, I thank You for Your commitment to reveal the Father’s heart to me...that I would love You the way the Father loves You. I ask for more sensitivity and kindness to love like You love.”

    God promises to show His power to those who are loyal to Him. Sample Verse: “For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth; to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him.” (2 Chr. 16:9)

    Example: “I thank You for committing to show Yourself strong in me...I yield my heart to be loyal to the Holy Spirit’s leadership in all that I do with my speech, eyes, actions, time and money. Continue to help me to walk this out.”

    1. Jesus promises to reveal His presence to those who obey His commandments.

      Sample Verse: “He who has My commandments and keeps them, it is he who loves Me...and he who loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I will love him and manifest Myself to him...” (Jn. 14:21)

      Example: “I thank You for committing to show me how to fully love You and voluntarily apply your Words in all that I do...Lord, I want to deny the deepest most fundamental desires that are contrary to your cross and instead walk in tender obedience to You.”

      The Father loves everyone in the sense of valuing, caring for and pursuing them. However, He abides with those who pursue His standards of full obedience to the scripture in lifestyle and choices.

    2. In addition, we are called to obey the Holy Spirit’s leadership in those things we look at.

      Example: “I have made a covenant with my eyes; why should I look upon a young woman? (Job 31:1) and “I will set nothing wicked before my eyes...” Ps. 101:3
      Example: “Lord, I set my heart to not look on anything that offends the Holy Spirit within me to do this with consistency and confidence to know You are faithful to intercede for me.”

    3. We are called to obey the Holy Spirit’s leadership in our speech and body. God promises that our whole body will be bridled as we obey the Spirit in our speech.

      If anyone does not stumble in word, he is a perfect man, able also to bridle the whole body (human passions)...The tongue is so set among our members that it defiles the whole body...” (Jas 3:2-6)

      Q & A:

    Sample Verse: “Set a guard, O’ LORD, over my mouth; keep watch over the door of my lips.” (Ps. 141:3) and “Let no unwholesome word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers. Do not grieve the Holy Spirit...” Eph. 4:29-30

    Example: “Lord, I yield my heart to keep (obey) Your Word in my speech. Holy Spirit, help me to do this with consistency... and I ask you to strengthen me in my weakness.”

  • Available upon request.

  • PRAYER MINISTRY TRAINING at ARISE Central Coast: A Vineyard in SLO, CA

    Approach to Staffing:

    Use existing trained members and provide training for new.

    Train for the future; equipping the saints.

    Training Goal: Create an environment where the sick (emotional, physical, spiritual) can:

    Experience the Fathers’ love and mature in Christlikeness.

    Fill the voids that produce fear, rejection, and despair; with His love.

    Become a “voice” instead of an “echo”.

    Experience forgiveness toward those that have caused hurt; breaking bitterness and resentment.

    Secondary is Gifting & Anointing

    Impart the foundation for ministry to others.

    “Let all that you do, be done with love.”

    Primary focus, “…the goal of our instruction is love from a pure heart”

    I Corn 14:1, “Pursue love, desire spiritual gifts…”

    Burning desire of His heart: Imparting a holy affection whose power exceeds the power of our sin.

    I Corn 13, …Though I speak with the tongues…gift of prophecy...know all to move mountains...give all to the poor...body to be burned...and have not love, I am nothing…

    Those we minister to are not defined by their failures or weakness.

    We are defined by the Fathers’ love, the “Yes” in our spirit…the experience of love at the heart level.


    Repentance- Trace the fruit to the root. Strongholds=Sympathetic thoughts toward evil.

    Deliverance: Displacement and Sowing to the Spirit. Galatians 6:7-8

    Healing; Frequently Sickness Can be Traced Back to an Emotional Breakdown in Love.

    We Need a Greater Experience of the Power of Love (His affections) to Receive Significant Healing.


    Flexible Composition- “Everyone gets to play”. Vineyard style ministry. Use each member’s gifting.

    Advantage of Praying in Teams: Cross Pollination.

    1. Discerning focus of prayer and direction to discover root issues.

    2. Trained prayers can help navigate during the prayer session.

    3. Intercessors contribution

    4. Goal is to have many trained leaders.

    Unity- Utilize Experience & Compassion for Others.

    Combination of Models: Doin’ the Stuff

    Counseling & scriptural direction: When we know He enjoys us and is affectionate toward us; then we have greater confidence to believe that He wants to heal us.

    Realistic approach: “I’ve been crucified with Christ…and it is no longer I who lives but Christ in me and the life I now live in the flesh, I live by faith in the Son of God who loved me and gave Himself for me.” Gal 2:20

    Listening prayer ministry teams, healing prayer rooms, crisis intercessory teams:

    Soaking prayer, fasting, contending for healing (physical, emotion & relational).

    Combine several teaching models such as the healing compassion of John Wimber, the soft-power kindness of Steve Sjogren and teachings of many Pastors & leaders to mature in Christlikeness through voluntary obedience & embracing the Cross.

    “The principal catalyst for signs and wonders is compassion.” Ed Piorek


    Size and Number of Teams Discussion

    Commitment: Flexible,,,No Pressure

    Training and personal preparation: Prayer, devotions, and personal fasting for the emotions of God’s Heart.

    Time duration, availability & flexibility.


    Ongoing Training Sessions: 5 Step Prayer Model, Ministering to the Sick, Breaking Demonic Oppression, Prophetic Ministry, Listening Prayer Model, Fasting, others.

    Recommended Reading: “The Father Loves You: An Invitation to Perfect Love” by Ed Piorek, Vineyard Christian Fellowship pastor, “The Rewards of Fasting” by Mike Bickle, “Unrelenting Prayer” by Bob Sorge, “The Three Battle Grounds” by Francis Frangipane, ” Teach Us to Pray: Prayer That Accesses Heaven and Changes Earth” by Correy Russell.

    VI . Q&A and WORSHIP